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Closing his eyes, Jungwoo let his fingers sink into the earth beneath him before ripping out a few blades of grass, "This is why Johnny was so upset when Ten told me about them." 

"Yeah, Johnny's been really cautious about him and Ten ever since the accident—which is obviously really hard for both of them," Minnie added. "We all were effected by the accident, some of us more than others."

Just as she finished speaking, the roar of multiple motorcycle engines were heard in the distance. How horribly insensitive, Jungwoo thought. But when he turned to look, a group of bikers were turning into the cemetery.

Starting to freak out, he looked back at the girls but saw nothing but smiles on their faces. "W—What is—"

"That's Jaehyun's dad. He's in a biker gang, hence where Jaehyun learned to ride. The gang comes here to visit Taeyong quite often because they all loved the both of them like their sons." Soyeon said as her and Yuqi rejoined the group.

"He was okay with Jaehyun being...gay?" Jungwoo asked quietly, his eyes fluttering down to his lap.

Minnie let out a small laugh, "Not all parents are going to hate their child for being gay. Actually, there are a lot of us who have accepting parents."

Soojin jumped up and ran over to one of the men when he took the helmet off, revealing his face. She ran over and threw herself into his arms.

"Soojin..." He said warmly, "It's good to see you."

Once again, utterly confused, Jungwoo turned to the group, hoping for answers. Shuhua laughed at him, "Jaehyun was Soojin's first boyfriend. They both figured out they were gay in that relationship...Soo's parents aren't...it was a rough time for her when she came out. She ended up living with Jaehyun for awhile, Mr. Jung is like her own father."

"Jaehyun...he let her move in with him?" The boy asked.

"Jaehyun and Taeyong both would sleep let somebody in need have their bedroom and sleep on the front lawn if they had to," Yuqi said quietly, reminding her once again of the memories she shared with Taeyong.

Shifting around so he could see the bikers, Jungwoo watched the men silently.

Mr. Jung, the only one the boy could recognize, pulled two leather jackets out of the side compartment of his bike. He folded them nicely so the embroidering of the jackets could be read, one said Taeyong, and the other Jaehyun. "Jaehyun wanted to be here, Tae, he really did. But he's not doing too well right now and they wouldn't let me take him out of the hospital, I hope you understand. He told me to promise I'd tell you he loves you. And he really loves you so much." The man choked on his words at the end, he had to walk away so he didn't fall apart completely.

After that, each of the bikers placed what looked like some sort of pin on the grave, along with a white rose this time. Even though they were big scary men, a few of them broke down into loud sobs, turning to each other for support.

Even though the gathering was caused by something so horrible, it was almost beautiful to look around the cemetery. There were so many different types of people all brought here to celebrate the live of somebody so spectacular. Some people were crying, some were smiling and laughing, but it was almost as if they were one big family. 

Just as Jungwoo was going to turn back to the girls, he saw one last person walk up to the headstone. He almost paid no attention to him until he saw the faded purple hair blowing in the breeze. A small smile formed on Jungwoo's face as he watched Doyoung kneel down next to the grave and set a framed picture of Taeyong and Jaehyun up. "We love you, Tae, don't forget it," Doyoung whispered. He stated still for a few moments, his lips moving silently and his hands clasped in front of him. Jungwoo heard a small "Amen," slip past the boys lips before he got up and walked towards Johnny and Ten. 


When everybody started saying their goodbyes to each other, Jungwoo felt a small hand slip into his. Looking to his side, he saw Ten standing next to him, his cheeks still red and puffy from crying. "Im sorry for breaking down like that...I hope Minnie and the girls explained everything to you." 

"The did, and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry about what happened...it's just so horrible." Jungwoo said quietly. 

A sad smile formed on Ten's lips, "There's nothing for you to apologize for. But I appreciate you being here, it means a lot to everybody that you're here." 

"I wish I got to meet Taeyong..." The younger admitted, all of the stories he'd heard about the from from the girls and Jaehyun's father, he just wished he'd made memories of his own with the boy. 

"He would've loved you," Ten said softly as he squeezed Jungwoo's hand. He let go of the boy before skipping over to find Johnny, which left Jungwoo standing alone. 


Jungwoo jumped slightly when he heard a familiar voice from behind him, he turned and saw Doyoung standing there with his usual emotionless expression. "Hey." 

"I didn't know you knew Taeyong," Doyoung said quietly as he sat down at the base of the tree to the left of them. 

The younger mimicked the action, pulling his knees up to his chest, "I didn't. But he's important to everybody here, so he's important to me too." A cold breeze picked up, causing Jungwoo to shutter and wrap his arms around himself. 

Doyoung pulled his warn down leather jacket off of his body and put it over Jungwoo's shoulders, "I don't want you to catch a cold." 

"Thank you." Pulling the jacket tighter around himself, Jungwoo smiled as a pleasant warmth enveloped him. "Can I ask you a question?" 

The elder nodded, his eyes fixed on the group of bikers that were climbing onto their motorcycles, "Go ahead." 

"How did you...how did you tell yourself liking boys was okay? I just wouldn't be able to do something If the whole world was against me," Jungwoo rambled, his chin tucked snugly in his knees. 

Doyoung turned to look at him, and Jungwoo couldn't tell if he was angry or about to cry, "How do you—who told you?" 

The younger's eyes widened, "No it's not like that!" He panicked. "Ten brought me to Ms. Solar's room a couple weeks ago—I saw you there...so I just assumed...I—I don't know I'm sorry." He pressed his face further into his knees so the boy next to him couldn't see him, "I didn't mean to make you upset." 

"My parents are really supportive, I was just raised to believe that you're born the way you are and there's nothing you can do to change it. I've never had a problem with who I am, it's everybody else that does." 

Jungwoo lifted his head to find Doyoung already looking at him, not a trace of anger left on his face. "Is it scary...to know that everybody's against you?" 

He gave the boy a small smile, "No. Not everybody's against me, and that's what helps me get through. Our high school is huge, but we still have at least thirty gay students. I know I'm not alone." When he finished, he tilted his head to the side, "What's got you so curious?" 

"I don't know," Jungwoo whispered. He snuggled further into Doyoung's jacket and let out a sigh, he did know.


I wrote this through almost my whole English online class..I have no idea what happened in Julius Caesar today whoops 

Thanks for reading 

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