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"Good morning my lovely students, new week new prompt!" Ms Ahn exclaimed enthusiastically when the bell rang, signaling the start of the class.

A melody of groans erupted from the exhausted students. "It's too early for this, Ms Ahn," one girl whined before laying her head down on the table.

"Hmm...I don't care. This week we'll be doing a prompt similar to our first...but this time you're going to create something representing somebody who means a lot to you instead of yourself. This time, you can do a simple portrait or get more into symbolism, the choice is yours." When the woman was finished speaking, she sat down at her desk, not giving the students a chance to ask any questions they might of had.

"Hey hey hey," Ten said repeatedly as he tapped Jungwoo's wrist with the the end of his pencil. "Hey hey h—"

"Yes Ten? What do you need?" Jungwoo responded as softly, trying not to let his irritation show. He loved Ten with all of his heart, but sometimes he wanted to shove the boy in a locker.

A small smile formed on the elder's face, "I mean a lot to you—you should choose me for your project."

"Actually..." he started, leaning in closer so others couldn't eavesdrop on their conversation, "I was thinking about choosing my boyfriend."

With a hand flying up to his mouth, Ten almost sent himself tumbling out of his chair upon hearing those words. "You...you—it's Doyoung right?"

Jungwoo quickly nodded, "it's only been two days, but I'm too excited not to tell you...so don't tell Doyoung I said anything."

Ten's eyebrows knit together quizzically as he took a couple seconds to process that information. "I'm quite surprised Doyoung isn't running around telling everybody himself."

"I asked him not to," Jungwoo clarified, an almost guilty expression forming on his face, "I guess I'm still a little nervous...about everything."

Although Ten should've said some heartfelt bullshit about how he didn't have to worry about anything, he couldn't. "Jungwoo, I still get nervous sometimes. It just comes with this type of relationship, but at some point you can look past that and just live how you want."

A small sigh fell from the younger's lips as he pretended to decided between a painting or drawing for his project. "But sometimes I want to let the whole world know...Y'know?"

"I definitely know. Me and Johnny have been together for...almost three years now and my parents don't even know." Ten glanced across the classroom at his boyfriends and couldn't help but smile at the huge grin on the boys face as he painted on a giant canvas. "But I'd choose Johnny over a normal life any day. I know it'll be worth it in the end."

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