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lmao hello i said id come back once in awhile when i feel nostalgic so here i am plus i havent written jackshit since the last time i updated so my writing has probs deteriorated so i apologize in advance lmaoooo but anyways enjoy.

When he saw her slowly slipping away from the crowd, he grew suspicious of her intentions. He was already wary of her when he noticed that she was barely interacting with anyone, keeping herself by the buffet table to eat her cake in peace. He thought nothing of it at first, but Jellal just couldn't get rid of this gut feeling telling him something was off about her. This was a ball where nobles and royals get together. Was she perhaps an intruder?

Slipping away from his own party, he followed her out the ballroom without her knowledge. She held the skirt of her gown up by slightly so she wouldn't trip as she walked through the halls of the castle, searching for something. He didn't know what.

He watched as her eyes roamed around the walls that were decorated with paintings and sculptures. Was she perhaps looking for one of the secret passages of his castle?

Curious, he kept following her with sneaky steps.

Then she reached a door. He knew where it led. But he wondered why she stopped here.

Her hand began to turn the doorknob and when she pushed the door open, her eyes were lit with sparks and wonders. The wide smile that spread across her face didn't seem as sceptical as he would've thought. Instead, it seemed genuine and joyful.

When she stepped in, the dim white lights of the room shone on her face as if she was the moon in front of the sun. He was almost in awe at the sight. She went deeper into the room and felt the plants between her fingers whilst he stood near the door, hiding behind another plant as to hide his presence.

They were in the garden. It was said to be one of the most beautiful places of the castle. And it wasn't a lie. But no one was technically allowed in as it treasured many powerful magical elements.

Although he should've threatened her to leave, he couldn't help but keep staring. He had already noticed her beauty in the ballroom earlier but she looked even more vibrant and magnificent in the middle of all the flowers and nature under the dim lights of the room.

The roof was made out of glass, allowing the moonlight to slightly creep in to set on her face and Jellal thought that he could probably watch this enchanting moment forever.

He listened to her giggles when a leaf tickled her face. She seemed just as magical as everything else in the room. Maybe she was meant to be here with plants, he thought. Maybe he shouldn't bother her at all and let her enjoy the atmosphere while he basked in her divine presence in peace.

That was until he slipped on the tiny staircase after being too distracted with the scenery. He heard her shriek and quickly got up from the floor to dust himself.

"Y-Your highness! Are you alright?" Instantly she sped to him to look for any sign of hurt.

"I'm fine, thank you." A blush stayed on his face out of embarrassment as he looked away. Really, Jellal? Slipping?

She suddenly gasped and he turned to face her.

"Oh, my! I must've been intruding. I apologize profusely, your highness." She bowed down. "I was only curious about the garden's beauty. I shouldn't have intruded your private property." She looked quite scared and apologetic that he almost chose to lie to her that anyone could actually come in as they like just so she wouldn't have felt too bad. But that was illogical.

"It's alright, don't fret." He chuckled. "Someone as beautiful as you fit just right in here," he smiled, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. He took note of the blush that crept up on her face.

"I-I. . . I see. . ." He almost laughed at her response. "I think we should get back to the ball before someone notices our absence, though."

"Don't worry about that. I don't think anyone would mind."

"Aren't you the face of the event? As the crown prince, I mean."

"Yes, but I believe my sister might have seen me leaving and is probably dealing with those who are askimg about my whereabouts. The princess will surely give me an earful when I come back, but it would be worth it if it were to spend time with you." He kissed her hand.

"E-Erza Scarlet." He rose a brow at the sudden words. "That is my name," she sheepishly grinned. Erza wasn't always this bashful but the prince somehow brought this side out of her.

"I never would've expected the mighty, Lady Erza that was said to devour men in battles to be so demure and enchanting," he laughed.

"I assure you I am not always this demure," she smirked. "Enchanting on the other hand. . ." Ah her teasing side was coming out.

"Well, I look forward to seeing all of you that you can offer."

"I look forward to showcasing them."

And that was an unspoken invitation to visit his castle much more often.

Tbh idk where this was going- it was supposed to be Jellal watching her from afar while she played in the garden, but um they ended up interacting </3  anyways pls don't expect any future updates because I just update for funsies and nostalgia now haha

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