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I tried including words I've never used before, so please do inform me if I had used a word wrongly

I was kinda hesitating on publishing this bc of ^ but meh

Rated K

Jellal hated jazz music. The sound of it had always been so displeasing to his ears. To him, jazz was just a cacophonous genre of music. As if dissonant chords had been mashed together for the deranged to enjoy.

Even the mere word annoys him.

But there was this cafe. God, he hated this cafe so much. The food? Inedible. Why would anyone pair peanut butter and burger? He couldn't figure that one out. The interior design? An eyesore. It was so colourful and bright that it didn't even match the music.

Oh, yes, the music. Their music taste was just deafening.

Jazz, ugh.

But regardless of all the flaws it bore, he still walked into the disastrous cafe everyday. It wasn't for the flavour, it wasn't for the view, and god knows it will never be for the tunes.

It was rather for a girl.

Yes, the dour uni student, Jellal Fernandez, had a crush on a girl.

He just didn't understand it. He never bothered to pursue relationships or even spend time with other people romantically, despite his overbearing friends always pushing him to find a partner.

There were many things in the world that he couldn't ever figure out, but never did any of those things ever bothered him so much like this girl. What was it about her that captivated him so incredibly?

Was it the way she wrote? He didn't know what her handwriting looked like, but it was just the way that she wrote in her cute notebooks covered in stickers that got him wondering sometimes. Was it the way she always had cheesecake in her mouth? He had never met someone who was such a sweet-tooth that it seemed to be a must for them to always have a plate of strawberry cheesecake ready by their side. Was it perhaps her hair? The shade of her hair gave such a radiant glow that he knew she must've stopped hundreds of people in their tracks just to gaze at it.

She seemed so carefree and relaxed when she studies.

Ah, yes. Other than the crush, another thing that always confused him was how could she, or anyone for that matter, study in such a place as this cafe? It was just so bewildering.

He could never understand how this scarlet-haired girl could study in such an environment and look so calm with jazz music blaring her ears. But then again, he didn't really care. It just made her more intriguing.

Jellal never would've believed it if anyone had told him that he would be attracted to someone who enjoyed jazz. Yet there he was. Sitting two tables away from her; going through the experience of having butterflies in his stomach; softly smiling at the mysterious red-head, unbeknownst.

The inspiration to this was,,, myself--

To put it vaguely, I like to study to jazz music :)

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