Bra Snatch

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EDIT 7th May 2020: i hate this drabble with a passion

Rated M

Waking up next to your sleeping, naked girlfriend on her bed was a thing Jellal experienced a lot. But to him, that wasn't a bad thing at all. He always woke up before her, meaning he could act out his bra thievery game as usual.

He looked at the digital clock beside him reading 3:30pm. He remembered being at a party with Erza last night and waking up on a Sunday afternoon wasn't really an unusual thing to him.

He turned his head to see if she was still under slumber. Guessing he was safe, he had his mischevious smirk on. He got out of his bed, put on his clothings, and started to search for her bra. He couldn't quite pinpoint where he threw it away last night, but it had to be in this room.

He had a memory of it being quite trophy-worthy. Laces tainted with a red rose's dye stitched into a revealing piece just for him to keep.

But he looked everywhere and it was nowhere to be found. Lastly, he looked under the bed, but groaned afterwards because it wasn't there too. He pulled out his head and sat up.

Jellal almost fell after seeing his girlfriend awake and sitting on the bed. "You startled me."

Ignoring his complaint, Erza put on a smug face. "Were you looking for this?" she pulled out her bra from under her pillow. He was lost for words. Not once she caught him while he was in the middle of his thievery. "Today isn't your day, Fernandez."

He chuckled. "You might win today, but you've only won once. I've won a thousand times."

"We-- well technically, you just started this game three weeks ago," she pointed out. He only shrugged.

"I'll get that bra," he declared.

"Or you know, I can bring you to the store so you can buy one your own," she laughed. Noticing that she was distracted, he lunged towards her and pinned her down on the bed. "Hey!"

With his hands holding her arms down above her head, he used his teeth to grab the bra in her hand. Quickly before she could do anything, he ran to her door.

"I win!" he yelled, while running down the staircase. Out of frustration, she screamed. It's not like he's going to do anything with it, she just despised losing. When she goes over to his house and takes a shower, she uses one of the bras he stole anyway.

But she decided since he took away her victory, he won't be sleeping with her for awhile.

This came to me when I couldn't find my bra and thought I lost it again lol.

Edit: istg this is so damn bad ew

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