Attention Seeker

807 17 1

Whiny!Jellal warning! (OOC ASF)
Im sorry

Rated M

The first thing Erza did immediately after coming back home from work was touch her computer without greeting her husband, and Jellal was not having it. He pushed open the door to her office and leaned on the door frame with a smirk formed on his face while his arms were folded firmly over his chest. His ankles were crossed as he eyed her with lust.

But she was still focused on her screen.

Whatever she was researching, he did not like how it was getting more attention than he was. Even after standing at door for about two minutes, she still hadn't noticed his presence, and that upsetted him because he posing very seductively for her.

Giving up, he sighed and dropped his arms. Jellal tried walking over to her with very loud steps, but her ears seemed to have blocked themselves and put on all the focus in her eyes.

He leaned his face down to her ear, and most of the time she would shudder at his hot breathing against her skin, but this time she wasn't and Jellal felt like exploding. After having been married for about seven years with two children, Jellal wondered if all of his tricks of seducing had disappeared. He hoped not.

He has even been working out a lot again these days for her, and she still hasn't complimented his newly upgraded muscles. She's been far too focused on work for the past few weeks and he was not having it today.

With a grin of smugness, his husky whispering voice uttered, "Play with me."

Instantly she backed away from him with a gasp. "Good god, Jellal. You scared me."

"My bad." He shrugged.

"How long have you been here?"

"For about ten minutes," he lied. It was at least under three, but he wanted her to feel guilty of not acknowledging his presence. How petty. Really, he was acting like the wife at this point.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because you're mean."


"You haven't been spending time with me!" he whined frustratedly and Erza could only feel dumbfounded with the way he was acting. Like a baby if it needed to be described. "I just wanna have fun with you again."

"Listen, princess--"


"I have a lot of work to do right now so we'll go to the amusement park with the kids tomorrow," with that, she turned straight back to her computer.

"You know very well I don't mean that kind of fun."

"Just go watch the teletubbies with the kids or something, I'll play with you in bed tonight or whatever," she replied as she typed in whatever it was she was researching.

Feeling offended, he was tempted to storm out, but he was not looking forward to her calling him names like 'drama queen' or again with the 'princess'.

Instead he unbuttoned his white blouse, leaving it there hanging on his body and grabbed a flower from the vase on the desk to grip it in between his teeth. With a smirk, he tried one of his other ways of seducing her.

"What are you doing?" He was surprised that she noticed him this time, but who wouldn't with those abs he was displaying to her? "Seriously, Jellal what are you doing?"

"What?" His smirk fell and his face was filled with full on shock. "What do you mean 'what are you doing'? Is this not enough for you? Does this not make you lust for me?"

"What the hell, Jellal?"

"It used to!"

"Yeah, that was years ago."

Groaning, he threw the flower away and pinned her in her seat.

"Je--" He didn't give her a chance to say whatever she was going to and went straight for her plump, luscious lips. Habitually, her eyes closed and her hands went to grab his face as his travelled to her skirt.

But she was quickly reminded by the fact that she was in the middle of another work that was way important than this one. At least, that was what her mind thought before Jellal started grazing her inner thigh under her tight skirt. Scratch that, giving her husband attention was much more important than the bullshit her boss told her to work on.

I was inspired by two other fanfics that I can't exactly remember the names of right now, but

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! Have a good day/evening


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