
561 14 2

Based on that one Tumblr post

Rated M

"Let's go to the library!"

Jellal looked up from his phone with a raised brow, questioning her sudden outburst.

"A library date!" she exclaimed with a grin.

Erza? Wanting to go to the library with him? As a date? Both of them loved books, yes, but Erza suggesting to go on a library date? The type of dates she loved has always been the adventurous ones, so Jellal was just confused.

"You wanna spend the day by reading books at a library? With me?"

"Trust me, this will be more fun than what you're thinking of," she grabbed his hand and pulled him up from his seat to drag him out of the cafe. What else can be done in a library other than reading? Sex at the farthest, darkest corner? Jellal didn't mind having sex with her anywhere, but not the library. He respected the library.


"Why are we in the romace section?" he asked, following her past the many bookshelves in the large library.

"We're going to play a game." The mischevious grin she had seemed like they were going to do something wrong yet fun. Oh, god, was it sex at the-- "Pick out a book."

"What?" he shook away his thoughts.

"Pick out a book from here."

"From the romance section?"


Confused, he picked out a random one. Desired But Teased was the title. "Now what?"

She leaned her face closer to his. "Now read the dirtiest part out loud." Her smirk added more blush to him than her words intended to.

"E-Excuse me?"

"Oh, shut up and just do it. This will be fun, I tell you." Smiling, she picked out a random book too. Paradise Chains, "This gives out the vibes I wanted, great!" She opened the book somewhere in the middle and skimmed over it til she found the scene she wanted. "I'll start."

"Uh, maybe we shouldn--"

"Yes, Jellal~"

"What--" wow he was asking a lot of 'whats' today.

"Replacing the names with our names makes it more fun doesn't it?" she snickered at his flushed face. Erza seemed bonkers. And she continued. "His wet tongue lubed up the entire area with his warm saliva. Shaping his tongue into a firm pointed one, he started to circle her clitoris, constantly flicking it--"

"WOW, okay, okay-- okay." The experiences he had were great and some were even more extreme than this, but hearing it being described just got him all uncomfortable and bothered.

"That isn't even the best part yet, but your turn!"

Letting out a breath, he gave in. He flipped the pages until he found the part Erza wanted to hear. He didn't think he could be able to read this out loud without stuttering. He throat felt dry just from imagining the writing to life.

"What are you waiting for?" she folded her arms, impatient to hear him narrate the smut scene from the book in his hand.

Erza's idea of fun really destroyed him because he was about to break an oath he never thought he would. A few minutes later, he found himself pinning her onto a bookshelf at the farthest and darkest corner of the room.

"You didn't even do your part," she complained whilst taking his shirt off.

"Don't worry about that. I'm going to do you instead. Take note that I will do it in the exact same way they did it in the book," he smirked while his hands were stripping her of her clothes. What a day will they be having.

It took me awhile to convince myself to publish this bc the ending was pretty cringe but eh

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