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"Cold?" her lover asked as he slipped under the blanket to lie down beside her. She had the covers above her ear while her back faced him.


"Why don't you put some clothes on?"

"No, because sleeping naked is more comfortable." Although one of Jellal's definitions of comfortable is sleeping with at least one garment on (his boxers), he didn't judge her. Everybody had different opinions after all.

But another reason why he didn't bother arguing further was because he didn't have any complaints about her stunning figure. Her skin glowed under the shining moonlight and it was always soft to touch. When her skin was pressed against his own, oh, those are one of the moments he'll cherish. Despite the fact that it happens quite often, he will always treasure each and every moment.

From behind, he wrapped his thick, strong arms around her in an embrace and leaned towards his ear. His breath sent shivers down her spine as his husky voice whispered, "Better?"

She hummed in response with her lips forming a small smile of satisfaction. She could feel his chiseled chest rising and falling against her back as he breathed. The arms around her gave just the perfect amount of warmth she needed. He was always warm and cozy during the right moments. She loved their cuddling sessions because in his arms, she felt safe-- as if nothing, absolutely nothing, could harm her in any way.

His soft lips made contact with her shoulder before he went higher to her neck and ending the small, light kisses with just behind her ear. Both of them soon fell into slumber with sweet dreams accompanying them.


Jellal woke up to Erza above him with tresses of her hair sprawled across his face. He blinked for a couple of times before deciding that it was time to get up. He cautiously and slowly flipped her over, but he failed to get up, because her arms wouldn't leave him.

Although he was physically stronger than her, he had just woken up and didn't have the energy to take her arms off him. He was impressed with how strong she was even in her sleep. She's Erza after all.

He sighed with a smile before lying back down comfortably. He pulled her closer and hugged her tighter with his nose buried in her hair. He shut his eyes, hoping to be able to fall asleep again.

Just as he was about to doze off, her arms finally left him to rest her hands on his toned chest. His eyes slightly fluttered open as he let out a grunt. He was too comfortable to get up now.

Instead of getting up and taking a nice shower like he planned to earlier, he stayed and kissed her forehead before going back to sleep with her in his arms.


An hour later, Erza woke up with Jellal squeezing her while her face was squished onto his chest. She could hear the sound of his heartbeats, and the rhythm was calming, but she soon left his arms to sit up from her position. Just as she was about to leave the bed, her wrist was grabbed by a strong hand, causing her to fall back on the bed, with a startled gasp following.

Although this had happened many times before, he always manages to surprise her. His forehead rested on her shoulder from behind as he barely whispered, "Stay," but she heard him. A soft smile spread across her face. But that expression quickly turned into a smirk when he bit into her neck after a two words were planted in her ears, "You're mine."

She let out a snort. "So bold of you to assume that. How are you so sure?"

"Is it not true?"

"What do you think?"

"I think you're mine."


I know this seemed rushed and I don't know why either. I hope this didn't seem too cringy.

This idea just came when I wondered how do people find sleeping naked comfortable, lmao.

I mean, like, what if some creep suddenly broke into your room or if your house was suddenly set on fire? You gotta escape quickly, meaning you won't have time to put on clothes, but this is just me being a paranoid and an overthinker, lol.

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/evening!


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