Dreamy Reality

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The title doesn't make sense but I hope you enjoy :)

Rated K(?)

"I'm home!" Jellal still hasn't gotten used to saying that yet, but he wants to. It's been a month since they've moved in together after being enganged. At times, the reality was rather disbelieving to him. It's all he ever wanted, but it felt so much like a dream. He feels all tingly when he replays the memory of him proposing. He actually did it.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Erza yelled back. Smiling, he went into the kitchen to find her mixing a cupcake batter. As usual, he wrapped his arms around her from behind and gave her a kiss on her shoulder.

"Hey, Erza?"


"Are we really enganged?"

Chuckling, she responded, "yes, Jellal. You have a real fiance now."

"Hey!" he poked the side of her stomach. Bursting out a laugh, she gave him a peck on his cheek. At times, Erza, too, couldn't believe all of this was real, but all that mattered was that he was there. With her.

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