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Inspired by the song "breathe" by mako (an all time fav song of mine <3)

Jellal's pov

It wasn't the first time I came here. And it sure as hell wouldn't be the last. This club is so old, I've been going here for so long now. I find this place soothing. Most people found that odd considering the fact that music was constantly being blasted- but I liked it. No one could hear me and my thoughts. Soothing.

But I felt like I was beginning to get tired. My soothing place didn't feel so soothing anymore. Everywhere I looked, I just felt annoyed. The music became horribly bad as time passed; everyone was slouching on the dance floor; and seats were always occupied with drunken couples kissing each other's faces off as if it was their last time on earth. By kissing, you know I meant more than kissing. It was infuriating. Get a fucking room.

But hey? It wasn't as if anything's going to change. Everything outside this club didn't want to change. I was still caught up with so many problems. So why would some lousy club change just for the sake of me?

Gulping down my last shot, I got off my stool, ready to go home and lunge for my bed to doze off for a really long time.

But I didn't get to approach the entrance.

In fact, I didn't even move away from my stool. I couldn't. I just stood there. Incapable of moving my feet across the floor. It was strange. I wondered if you were a witch. Because I was well aware that you were the cause of this paralysis.

As soon as you walked in, I felt completely breathless. It was as if my whole nerve system stopped working.

Why was your scarlet hair so fascinating? The way you walked was mesmerizing. I could barely see the others with how dim the lights were. But you? You were so. . . visible. You shined like a star.

I couldn't focus on anything else.

It was a horrible feeling. But I didn't hate it. Perhaps you were a witch. Or maybe it was the alcohol. But whatever it was, I couldn't keep my composure for shit.

It was rude to stare, but how could anyone ever take their eyes off of you? Make it stop, please.

And then you started to walk my way. I think I panicked.

You were just a pretty lady, I didn't understand why I was acting so horribly lame. My hands started to tremble when you walked closer with a really captivating smirk. Something about it made me feel so weak. Your mere presence made me weak. I hope you didn't notice. What the fuck.

Then you were there. Here. Standing right in front of me. Running your fingers up my arm, inviting me to the dance floor with a soft whisper to my ear.

I simply nodded with a smile. I think my voice disappeared. But it didn't seem to matter to you. Did you just put me under a spell?

Your presence was calming, though. I felt. . . soothing again. Maybe it was your energy.

You looked like all you wanted to do was dance the night away. I didn't mind. I preferred it that way.  Regarding the fact that my chest still hurt from being unable to breathe. What was it about you? Soothing but painful? How bizzare. It didn't make any sense.

Something about the way your body movements matching so perfectly with mine had me baffled. As if we were meant to dance with one another tonight. Fate, perhaps? I didn't believe in that, but I might now.

But really, though, I didn't think I could look anywhere else apart from you. Your body was saying things I didn't understand. But it had me feeling absolutely crazy.

It didn't even feel like the alcohol making me drunk. More like it was you. You were poisonous.

I couldn't help but hold you tighter and pull you closer. You didn't seem like you mind it. Instead, you seemed like you were into it. Our eyes locked with one another. You still had a smile on your face. I think I just looked confused. What was this feeling?

It hurt so bad. But I couldn't hate the pain at all. It felt impossible to. It felt as if you were killing me softly just by standing in the same room as me. And very close to me, might I add. Did you know you were doing this? Were you aware of what was happening? I think my brain stopped working the moment you walked through the entrance. You were hazardous.

I couldn't breathe at all. It was fucking amazing.

I didn't know you. I didn't know one single thing about you. But it didn't matter to me. All I wanted to do was be near you and bask in your presence. Were you maybe a goddess, rather than a witch?

I hope you never leave. But I may have spoken too soon. You started to let go of me, slowly, and backed away from the dance floor. I knew that I was just some guy to you, but it was painful. Watching you walk away hurt so damn bad. Does this happen to every guy you meet?

I wanted to reach my hand out to you, I wanted to call you back, I wanted you to stay. But that would be stupid. And as you approached the exit closer and closer, my heart sank lower and lower. I don't think I'd ever feel as soothing as I felt ever again.

All I had left of you was your strawberry scented fragrance stuck to my shirt.

i wanted to try writing in a different way than i what was used to, i hope you like it 👉👈

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