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This is just my thought of what could've happen during the last chapter of the manga.

Rated K

Erza held a smile while she watched her friends interacting with one another. She was with Lucy earlier, but it seems that Lucy was busy begging Natsu to carry her in her drunken state at the moment.

She would talk to Gray, but he was out of sight. The smile on her face turned into a smirk when she realised Juvia was too.

She decided to leave for some air, knowing she couldn't really get any of her friends' attention at the moment as they were all busy throwing themselves onto one another. If only her someone was present.

She sighed and turned her heel to walk away, but instead had her face bumped into a hard, white surface. And she heard another voice letting out an 'oof!' with her. Fortunately, it wasn't too hard to cause a fall to either of them.

Erza looked up, ready to give the person a piece of her mind about watching where they were going, but was met with a tall, blue haired man instead. He had that unique, crimson mark on his face that she could recognize anytime; it was one of the things that captivated her.

"I apologize for being late," he offered with a grin on his face. She loved it. She loved seeing him smile. Him being happy will always, without a doubt, make her happy.

She would give him a grin of her own, but she was too shock. She didn't invite him, and nor did Lucy. Or did she?

"Jellal. . ." She missed the feeling of letting his name roll out of her mouth with him actually there. But quickly, she snapped out of her trance with shaking her head. "When did you arrive?"

"Just now," he replied. "Master Makarov had sent me a letter telling me that I could and should come if I was free. I wasn't sure if I should, because for one, I know Master Makarov was not the host of the party," he laughed and she joined along. "And--"

"Hey," Erza cut him off. Although she was curious, she couldn't really care about his reasons. Because, "you're here now, aren't you?"

He took a moment before letting out a breath and giving her a warm smile.


And she was happy. She was glad. She was thrilled. She missed him. A lot. The last time she saw him was a few weeks after the Alvarez war and the last she heard of him was from the pardon letter.

"Do you. . . want to eat?" Erza asked, starting up a new subject for their conversation.

"Yes, please. The train ride was so long," Erza couldn't help but laugh. She hoped to laugh with him more often after this.

I actually didn't really have any plans for this one except that Jellal came late, so if this seemed plain, I'm sorry

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/evening!


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