Kiss Me

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PLS READ THIS NOTE ! so ive decided to change the status of this book to 'complete.' if im gna b honest, im not sure if ill actually stop publishing but if im gna b more honest, ive slowly been growing out of the ft n jerza fandoms. i obvs still love them but i just don't feel the same.

don't fret tho, i might still write smth whenever nostalgia hits, so technically there's like 30% chance that this isn't the last drabble ill publish. BUT if it does end up being the last, i wanted it to have a feel-good vibe. so i forced myself to write this whole drabble just so i could tell u guys this note :D applaud me

"Kisss meeee."

"You're drunk."

He pouted. Erza knew something was up when his friends kept on whispering to one another not including either her or Jellal in on the conversation. Turns out they wanted to get him really drunk. And they apparently liked drunk Jellal more than sober Jellal.

Erza, on the other hand, did not. And they were going to pay tomorrow for the trouble they just caused.

He was barely himself. On usual occasions, when he is sober, Erza would want nothing more than to kiss him whenever he yearns for one. Jellal being intoxicated was hard enough to handle as he was stubborn and much more playful. Natsu-like playful more than his usual charming-like playful. Blegh.

So no, Erza didn't think he deserved any kisses. It was already difficult to convince him to go home; she even had to make sure he didn't fall whenever he tried to stray away from her hold, sulking from the fact that he wasn't getting a kiss. He'll try again, of course. It was a cycle she hoped to end quickly by reaching home.

Yet he believed after the hard time he's putting her through, he actually deserved a kiss. She scrunched up her face at the idea.

"Careful," she warned, glaring at him whilst pulling him closer.

"I don't wannaaa. Give me a kiss first."

She ignored him and kept walking.

"Erza, please. I'm dying." He dramatically dropped his head on her shoulder. She almost fell with him at the sudden extra weight. Groaning, she kept guiding- or dragging- him forward.

Just a few minutes left and they're home, she kept thinking.

Few minutes had passed and they've reached the neighborhood. But Erza grew suspicious. He had been awfully quiet after the dramatic act. She was too busy getting them home to notice at first, but the she decided to finally turn her head to look at his face.

Apparently he's been staring at her.

Her cheeks flushed.

Quickly turning away, she continued walking.

"You blushed," he pointed out, bluntly. "You want to kiss me." She could feel the grin on his face. "And I will get a kiss," he boldly stated. "So kiss me?"

She only sighed. He fell silent again, most likely giving up.

Finally, oh finally, they reached the door to their home. Fiddling with the keys in her hand, she managed to open the door with his weight still crushing her side.

Seemingly proud with herself for making it home with drunk Jellal safe and sound, she shut the door with a pleased smile. When she turned around, the first thing she felt was her back up against the door.

Her eyes widened at the sudden realisation that she was being pinned. By him.

He was a lot stronger than he was a few minutes ago, clearly. She hoped that he hadn't been faking the sluggish act or else she'll make him end up in a way sorry state. Rolling her eyes at him though, she attempted at pushing him off.

He didn't budge. Instead he kept staring.

"I think I've gotten a tiny bit sober."


"I'm sorry."

She raised a brow at the apology. Not that she didn't deserve one, it's the fact that he did more than one thing to be sorry that she didn't know which one he was apologising for.

"Sorry for giving you a hard time. I don't mean to." He looked genuinely upset to her. As much as she didn't like it, she felt bad.

Sighing, she cupped his cheeks. "It's okay. You're just drunk. Your friends did this, it's not your fault." She pulled down his head and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Her lips stayed there for a second. Until the damned realisation kicked in.

"You little cheat!" This time, she managed to gain the strength to push him off of her completely, only for him to end up laughing after. Holding onto his stomach, his laugh was so loud that it pissed her off.

"I told you I was getting a kiss," he smirked at her, wiping away a fake tear.

"You're sleeping on the couch."


either erza was just rly exhausted to notice that he was lying or he just becomes a good liar when drunk. uh but anyways i was gna go for rly fluffy stuff but it ended up being more comedic instead oops

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