Tuition PT2

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I didnt expect this either
(Also my bad I forgot to publish)

Rated T(?)

It's been a year since that bottomless-at-the-door incident and Jellal and Erza probably had forgotten it already. Neither of them expected their relationship to turn into something else, because the last time they checked, they despised one another. But things change as time goes on, and here they are in a romantic relationship.

Whenever Jellal is at tuition and Eileen leaves the room for just a minute, Erza would sneak in and distract him. With so many ways that Jellal would love for her to stop just so he could finish his work, but didn't because it's not like he didn't enjoy them.

Erza was nibbling his ear while her hands slipped into his shirt. Jellal tried to finish the essay Eileen gave, but Erza's chest pressing onto his back really wasn't helping. Slowly, she went lower and planted her lips onto his neck. But before she could do anything, her mother walked in. Erza instantly backed away and pretended to search for something in the cupboards.

"I'm so sorry, Jellal, but I really have to run out," she said with an apologetic frown. "Mr. Belserion left some very important documents and I have to send them to him. That goof," she shook her head. "I'll be back in 20 minutes, after you're done with the essay, continue with your science book."

After hearing the door shut, Erza walked back to Jellal. But instead of her making the first move, he pulled her on top of him.

"You know, you should really stop doing things like this because your mother might just catch us one day," he told, but had his hands inside her shirt.

"Yet here I am," she smirked. "And you know, you look really good in glasses." Jellal chuckled in response. "But I don't think we'll be needing that now." Taking it off from his face and putting it aside, she dove in for his lips. According to Eileen, they had about 20 minutes. They could do a lot in 15 minutes, while they save the other 5 for Jellal to actually do his work so Eileen wouldn't catch him focusing on her daughter instead of his work.

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