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Honestly just saw the word 'illegible' and then this came to mind

Kind of dialogue heavy?

Rated K

"Are you sure? I mean, what if I accidentally ruin our friendship?"

"Calm down, Erza. I've seen the way Jellal looks at you."

"What if you're wrong, Lucy? I mean, he's basically the embodiment of perfection, but I'm sure I'll find other people, right?"

"You're treating this like a simple crush when you've liked him since middle school!"


"What are you guys doing?"

Startled, the two girls shrieked at the sudden tap on their shoulders.

"Ultear! We-We're not doing anything!" Erza started to nervously laugh.

"Uh-huh sure. Two girls hiding behind a wall, staring at a boy getting things out of his locker with a letter in your hand." Ultear deadpanned, getting a blush from the red-head. "I heard everything. Just do it!"

"But--!" As soon as Jellal walked away from his locker, Lucy pushed Erza towards it. For a second she just stood there, hesitating. She can hear her friends hissing at her, telling her to go for it, but she's just afraid of the outcome.

"Oh, my god, Erza. Don't be a coward." Lucy instantly gasped at Ultear's statement. Did she have a death wish?

With that cheap provocation, Erza pushed the letter in her hand through the locker holes.

"Oh, god, what have I done?" she muttered in horror immediately after, suddenly gripping onto her hair in fear.

"Stop that, Erza." Lucy pulled her hands away from her delicate locks. "Don't worry too much."

"Exactly. Now if that dumbass doesn't like you back, it's his loss."

"Not helping, Ultear!" Erza stressed.

The friend group of six took a seat at their usual table with lunch trays in hand. The first to spoke was none other than Jellal.

"I found a confession letter in my locker today."

Hearing that, Lucy choked on her food, Ultear almost spat out her drink, and Erza was frozen in her seat. The girls wondered what hell was he doing mentioning that at lunch when all of them expected him to pull Erza away to somewhere private to talk about his feelings. But it seemed that he wanted all of them to know.

"We get it, Jellal. You have fangirls," their friend, Erik, rolled his eyes.

"No, but this was one was weird!"

Immediately that perked up the girls' ears.

"Nothing is weirder than Lucy's boobs, but okay," remarked their other friend, who would be known as the dumbass one in the group.

With a glare, Lucy kicked her boyfriend's shin under the table. At times, people still wonder why she chose him when she had hundreds of other falling for her.

"I'm kidding!" Natsu quickly called before she does anything else. "But seriously, how can a confession letter be weird?"

"Did she mention some short of fetish?" Erik snorted.

"Not really. It wasn't weird, but I don't think I've ever seen a girl's handwriting that bad! It's illegible!"

Lucy noticed Erza was feeling awkward and uncomfortable at the comment and was about to reach for her, but her boyfriend just decided to joke further.

"Like Erza's?" the dumbass wheezed at his own reply. Instantly, the said girl rose from her seat. "Wait, no, Erza! I'm just kidding, I-I swear!" Natsu quivered in his seat, clinging onto Jellal's arm. But instead of attacking the poor boy, she sprinted away from the table and out the lunch room.

Suddenly Lucy banged her head on the table. "I have a sorry excuse of a boyfriend and I knew I should've proof-read." Her voice was muffled but the guys caught on. Immediately Jellal got up and left the room too.

"That's mean, Lucy!" yelled the pinkette, offended. "What's happening, though? I am in confusion."

"Oh, my god." Once again the blonde hit her head on the hard surface of the table.

The dumbass of the group sure kept on being faithful to his nickname.


"Erza! Wait!" Jellal ran after her, but hearing his voice and footsteps, Erza started running too. She couldn't bear to face him after being an embarrassment. She's been embarrassed in front of him many times before, but this time it was different. "Erza!" he yelled when she turned a sharp corner. "Oh, god, what have I done?" he muttered to himself. "This girl will be the end of me."

Taking a deep breath, he started running faster.

Finally, he got near to her. She was fast, but trying to hold in tears was not helping with her speed. When he saw the chance, he's hand flew to her wrist and pulled her to face him. But she kept her eyes on the ground.

"W-Was that letter yours?" he asked, panting heavily. "Gosh, you are fast."

"Is that an insult too?"

"What? No! I-I didn't mean to call out your handwriting like that. I just. . ." he scratched the back of his head, trying to find the right things to say.

"Well it doesn't matter." She pulled her wrist away from his hand and crossed her arms over her chest. "You knew what was the general idea of the letter, what's your response?"

"Truth be told, if Natsu didn't say your name earlier-"

"That's not what I'm asking." She shot him with a look. "Just get this over with, please. If you don't like me back, then I hope we can just forg-"

"I mean, I guess I like you too," he sheepishly replied, with his foot shifting left and right.

"You guess?" she chuckled, finally smiling at him.

"Well no," his hand went to take hers back. "I know I like you too," he claimed, softly laughing.

"I mean, it was kind of obvious Erza liked him. And Jellal always told me he's head over heels for her, but I just didn't know they- well she would take this long to confess," Erik said in disappointment as he popped a fry in his mouth.

"For someone who hasn't confess to his crush, you sure do have a lot to say," Ultear rolled her eyes.

"Who said I had a-"

"Just shut your gay ass up and eat your fries, Erik."

Ngl I liked the parts that included their friends more than the scene of Erza w Jellal djjdjdjd me dissing my own one shot :(

Edit: I wrote this when I was super bored and I just realised how dramatic I made this into shdjdnjs

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