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"I see a shooting star! Quick, make a wish!" His heart melted at the sight of her being happy. The stars shone so brightly on her that he felt as if she was glowing quite literally. Bringing her out to stargaze tonight was possibly the best decision he had ever done.

He almost felt like throwing himself off the cliff when he had to break it down to her that-

"It's an airplane, Erza. . ."

"What?" Every spark of joy quickly left her body when she realised. She turned to him and mouthed out an, "Oh." Jellal didn't know what to feel when he saw her disappointed face. Although it was just a common mistake- not really- it still hurt his heart to see her upset. He pretty much regretted his words right about then.

"Don't worry," he kissed her forehead, "We'll be here all night. I can guarantee that we'll be seeing a shooting star soon."

She didn't say anything back, but she didn't look so upset anymore.

And soon after, she shouted, "Aha! A shooting star! Quickly, Jellal!"

Truth be told, he felt like laughing. But when he saw her eyes shut tightly and her lips forming a wide grin as she made a wish in her head, he didn't have the heart to tell her that it was, once again, not a shooting star. It was a comet.

When she opened her eyes, they were immediately on him.

"What did you wish for?" she asked with excitement and giddiness.

"If I told you, it wouldn't come true," he grinned.

"Oh, please. It's just me! I don't think a star would mind." She smirked proudly as if her point was valid.

"No, thanks."

"You're lameeee."

He found it adorable that she was annoyed. If he had told her that his wish was for her wish to come true, she would've probably berated him on how he should've used it for himself. He didn't think he'd actually make a wish to a comet in the first place, but there's a first time for everything.

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