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Original Title: Devil In Disguise (seemed lame lol)

Rated T

Jellal groaned at the thought of his next destination after school ended. Tuition. He didn't hate his teacher, in fact he loved her, because she's always kind and easy to talk to. But her daughter. Good God, he wonders how someone like her can exist.

He would ask his teacher if they could meet up somewhere else instead of her house, but then he would have to tell her the reason and saying 'your daughter is mean' isn't exactly the best explanation.

Holding onto his bag filled with his tuition books, he rang her doorbell.

He froze when it wasn't Mrs. Belserion who opened the door. It was Ms. Belserion.

"Hey, there, crap bag," the way she leaned onto the frame of the door while she had a smirk plastered on her face was really pissing him off. And usually he would glare at her, but her attire was preventing him from doing so. Instead, he turned his head away while a blush was creeping up on his face.

He wondered how could someone open the door with such little clothing. Did she lose her dignity? A towel dangled on her shoulders while her scarlet hair was dripping wet, and she put a plain shirt on. Either she was in her underwear, or she just had really, really short shorts, because he could not see them.

"If you're wondering where my mom is, she's in the kitchen," she told as she let him in. Without wasting a second, he sped walk to the kitchen without making eye contact with her. If he had, his eyes wouldn't even land on hers. He knew very well where they would land on and he was not proud.

"Good afternoon, Jellal," Eileen, also known as Mrs. Belserion to Jellal, greeted him.

"Good afternoon, teacher," he replied, taking a seat at the kitchen counter. Since her house was small, that is where their tuition sessions would usually be.

"Are you okay? You're sweating bullets," she pointed out. Thank God she couldn't read his mind because he couldn't stop thinking about her daughter's bare thighs.

"U-uh yes. May I have some tissue paper though?"

After handing him some they started their session. "We'll work on your Maths first." Nodding, he took out his book. Before he got to open it, Eileen received a call. "Oh, sorry. I have to take this."

Jellal was not happy to see her daughter walk in right after Eileen excused herself.

"Maths?" Erza, the devil in disguise, questioned, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket.

"Yeah," he replied. He was happy that she had pants on this time though.

"I saw what you were doing earlier." There it was again. Her smirk.

"Excuse me?"

Walking towards him, she leaned into his ear. "You were checking me out at the door." He could be imagining it, but he swore she was using a seductive tone to whisper. And it sent shivers down his spine.

She quickly backed away when Eileen walked back in. "Sorry, I took so long. Let's continue."

With a wink directed at him, she left him to blush in embarrassment. Jellal really despised her. He knew she did that just to throw him off, and he hated how it worked. Through the whole session, he couldn't even focus on anything Eileen was saying.

Only when he was sent home did he realise that he couldn't even remember anything he was taught today. And exams were near! If he failed, he knew who to blame.

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