Ending 2 of Gym Humidity

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"Wait!" someone called her. Surprisingly, when she turned around, it was that attractive, blue haired stranger. He walked towards her. "Is it hot in here or just you?" he questioned with a smirk.


"U-uh, sorry. I don't usually flirt with girls as gorgeous as you," he scratched the back of his neck nervously while gluing his eyes to the ground, and shifting his feet at the same time.

"Oh," she couldn't help but blush at his sweet compliment. Holy shit, he was hot and cute.

"I was wondering if we can go out sometime," he said, pulling her out of her daydreams. "I-I mean, I know we just met, but--"

"Yes!" Her sudden loud response made him look at her in surprise. "I mean, sure. Of course," she sheepishly smiled at him.

"Great!" he said with thrill. "Guess I didn't make the wrong choice by switching gyms after all." He winked at her and walked out of the gym. Leaving her to her fantasies.

Good god this whole one shot was actually just cringy

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