Under the Blanket

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A shot at smth that's a little more than pre-smut but also not full smut bc I can't write full smut for shit lol

Rated M

Just a casual sleepover with a couple of friends over. One of the activities of course should include watching a movie in a cold, dark room with a bunch of blankets while some cuddle with another for warmth.

And well, no one really knows whats going on under a blanket. One could only assume their legs are crossed and press against one another, because heat, right? Not quite the case with this one.

Erza's legs were far from another and since everyone was focused on the movie, no one there could hear Erza's heavy breathing. And with the lights off, no one noticed Erza's head tilted slightly back, gritting her teeth.

The cause to her actions was none other than her boyfriend. His mouth was busy leaving red marks on her neck while his fingers did work in between her legs. Both knew she was close, and when she's close, she moans loud. Erza couldn't risk being humiliated in front of their friends, despite the rush of excitement she's getting from this risky mission.

She knew she had to stop him, but he was going fast, she could feel herself twitching.

"J-Jellal. . ." she whispered. Quickly she brought a hand over her mouth to muffle her own voice. But covering her mouth wasn't going to stop her from making sounds, of course.

Taking his mouth away from her neck, he rose up to her ear. "I'm not going to stop." She could feel him smirking without even taking a glance at his face. Neither did she want him to edge her, but--

"Ahh-!" She moaned at the same time the explosion sound effect came from the tv.

"Very smart, Erza," Jellal snickered.

Pulling his hand away from her skin, he felt a goo-ish feeling dripping off his fingers. With his eyes locked onto hers, he made her take his fingers inside her mouth, licking away her own liquid until his fingers was only wrapped with her saliva and nothing else.

"You wanna continue this somewhere else?"

Her half-closed eyes twinkling under the tv light, her cheeks tinted pink from the heat of her orgasm, and she biting her bottom lip; that was all the answer he needed from her.

"Hey, I think I left something in the car." Jellal told their friends, getting up from his spot.

"I'll come with you," Erza grabbed his hand and got up too. Without waiting for a response, they left the living room to do the deed in his car.


"Jellal's such a coward, he needed Erza to accompany him at night," one of their friends snorted, receiving a sigh of disappointment from his girlfriend.

"They're going to fuck, Natsu. You dumb piece of shit," his raven-haired friend harshly claimed, leaving Natsu to wonder how he didn't get that.

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