
649 17 4

Personal favourite?? I think??

Rated M

"Hey, you're buying the first three rounds, tonight." Jellal felt a hard punch on his arm, but he didn't hear a single word coming from his blonde friend. He was too busy staring at the gorgeous lady sitting at the bar, while he sat at the VIP table. As someone who goes to the club often (with his good friend, Laxus), it's not a rare thing to meet beautiful girls all time. But the lady at the bar, with a magnificent shade of hair, entranced him in a way no one has ever done to him.

Her beauty was a danger to humanity, seeming as she could make people fall under her spell so easily. He had a great view of her back; her backless dress and her hair pinned up into a bun were the things he was thankful for right now. Her black dress was hugging her curves just right, revealing the perfect shape of her ass facing towards him. And the hem of her dress didn't reach too low, it ended just a few inches away from her groin, and if she turned around, he bet he'd get a peek of her underwear-- which he imagined to be silk or laced.

"Hey, are you going to get us drinks or what?" Once again, the bluenette didn't bother to get a single word coming from Laxus through his head. And it didn't take long for the bulkier man to realise where his best friend's mind was and where his eyes were landing. He snorted and decided that because the ultramarine is someone he holds close as a friend, he'll buy the drinks tonight. But Jellal sure as hell was going to owe him.

When Laxus came back after getting quite the handful of shots, Jellal was still eyeing that redhead, but this time, it seemed that the said redhead had noticed him. She kept slightly turning her head to him to shoot him a few glances. And to Laxus that was pathetic. He was the type of guy to not wait around and actually talk to the girl, unlike Jellal here.

But Laxus watched the scene with amusement, nevertheless.

After a few glances from the attractive redhead at the bar, she decided to initiate movements. Jellal watched as she swirled the drink in her glass before drinking it all down. Her next action definitely caught his attention way more than it did before. Giving him a wink, she smirked and lowered the empty glass to her stomach. He couldn't see what she was doing since her back was facing him, but he got the whole idea when she started to spread her legs.

He could see her arm moving and he could tell that the glass was definitely sliding up and down against her sensitive area over whatever type of garment she had over it. While she did that, she searched for his reaction, but he still had the same expression; smirking back at her. He seemed like a statue, but her hand went faster when he gave a really sexy wink at her.

Unlike she expected, he didn't seem to react like most of the guys she had flirted with. Instead of blushing madly, and getting all giddy, Jellal stayed cool. And she felt hot. But a few seconds passed, he started to actually react; she caught him biting his bottom lip from time to time and it was so captivating that she wanted to just take him right then and there. But she had patience.

She started to grit her teeth when she added more pressure into her glass, along with the side imaginations she had of him in her mind. She was going crazy! What was this man doing to her?

"So are you guys going to eyefuck each other all night, or are you going to get some balls and actually approach her," Laxus snickered. This time, Jellal did hear him. And he wasn't wrong. Chuckling, Jellal unbuttoned the top three buttons on his blouse, feeling quite hot all of a sudden, and got up from the couch. Still holding onto his smirk, he walked over to her.

And when she noticed, she realised that her cheeks were flushed due to the work she was doing down there and the really attractive man walking over to her. Quickly, she put the glass back on the table and regained her composure.

When he reached her table, she had quite the trouble resisting the urge to just jump on him and fuck him all night, but she had manners. At least an introduction was needed first before all that.

"Hey," he leaned over the table on his elbow. His free hand reached out to her for hers as he introduced himself, "Jellal." His voice was just as attractive as she imagined. And there it was again; the wink he did that made her go all cuckoo.

Smiling at him, she took his hand and watched him bring her hand to his lips. "Erza."

Seeming satisfied with the starting of their conversation, Jellal leaned into her ear, still holding her hand. And she would've lied if she said his hot breath didn't tickle her skin and made her shiver.

"I know someone who can give us a private room," he huskily whispered. Humming in the acceptance of his invitation, she squeezed his hand for support as she got off the tall stool. For a moment, their eyes locked once again, but this time, their faces were definitely closer.

"You better not disappoint me," she grinned.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll, without a doubt, fuck you hard all night until you don't have the ability to walk for days." His use of rough words got her heart racing.

"Well, let's get going then."

Supposed to be asleep when I wrote this, but I had to take the forty minutes I could've used for my slumber to write this random scene that popped in my head smh

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