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I remember planning to publish this a long time ago, like in the early days of when this book just came out. But it waited til now apparently

Rated T

Both of them panted heavily as they lied on their backs on her bed. Erza didn't think something like this was going to happen. Ever.

A villain and a hero, on bed, naked, together. It all seemed impossible before today.

"I like this," she blurted out.

Jellal turned his head to face her with a smirk. "Being close to me?"

"Not fighting," she corrected him with a stern voice.

Jellal scoffed. "Oh, right. Of course."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She turned her whole body to him as she sat up. His mocking tone didn't assure her that he believed her.

With his smirk still plastered on his face, he sat up too. "Well that was obviously a lie," he pointed out. "Your loud screams and moans earlier say a different thing, you know?"

Blushing furiously, she tried to find words to prove him wrong. He was so wrong. So far from the truth. He was being ridiculous! But none of those words came out. None. And he could catch on from that.

Lol okay this was written so vaguely lmao but I just found this prompt on Tumblr. I made a few tweaks tho.

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