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This was probably written in Jan or Feb

After setting into her new studio apartment with her roommate, Erza checked the fridge for food. But it was empty. That's right, she was so busy packing and crap she forgot about her stomach needs.

"Hey, Lucy? Do you happen to have any snacks?"

"Ugh dammit, I just ate the last of my snacks yesterday," her roommate replied with a hint of disappointment.

She rubbed her growling stomach as she groaned. She was way too lazy to get out and buy groceries or whatever. And so was Lucy. Erza grabbed her phone and called her friend, Natsu. She remembered him living nearby, so maybe he could buy them something.


Twenty minutes later, Natsu texted her that he left the food by the lobby. Reading the message, her happiness bubbled up. Finally, some food. She slipped her feet into her shoes and went to the lobby at the ground floor.

She almost had a heart attack at how many giant plastic bags were on the table near the security guards. What the hell did Natsu buy to have used up four large plastic bags? She only hoped the food he chose were good.

She walked over to it and grabbed one by one. They were so big, she could barely see the sight in front of her. The bags almost slipped from her hands like twice because of how much it weighed. Right before she got into the elevator, the bags decided to actually slip out of her hands.

Thankfully, someone caught them.

"You okay?" asked a deep voice. She looked up to see quite a captivating man with royal blue hair staring back at her, waiting for a response. By the looks of his attire, he seemed to be one of the concierges.

"U-uh yeah."

"Wait, let me get a trolley." He went away for awhile as she waited in front of the still open elevator with her grocery bags. Later, he came with one of the hotel trolleys and helped her put the grocery bags on top of them.

Thanking him, she walked backwards to enter the lift behind her, but they just had to close, causing her to slam her back on the doors. She could only chuckle in embarrassment and blame the elevator for not being her friend today.

She pressed the up button on the dashboard and waited for the elevator to open back. When it did, the handsome concierge helped her with the trolley. Thanking him again for assisting her, she clicked on number 7; her floor number.

She didn't know why he entered the elevator too and was about to ask, but she quickly stopped herself from questioning a dumb question. He was probably going to take back the trolley, of course.

When the elevator opened, she led him along with the trolley to her apartment. She clicked the doorbell and waited for Lucy to open the door.

"Um, miss?" the man called. Erza raised a brow. "You have a key in your hand," he mentioned. She looked down at her hand and couldn't refrain herself from blushing out of embarrassment. Of course something embarrassing had to happen again, this day just wasn't going to end the scenarios of awkward moments between her and this strangely attractive concierge.

"O-oh!" her hand almost dropped the key. Quickly she set her eyes onto the lock to look away from the man's gorgeous glimmering color of emerald eyes. She kept on fidgeting with the lock, wondering why was it so hard to turn. She just wanted to say goodbye to this concierge that owned a sharp jawline. And her face kept adding darker and darker hues of red, as she tried to stop her brain from complimenting the man's features anymore.

She let out a breath of relief when the lock finally budged. Instantly she pushed the door open.

"Thank you for helping."

"You're welcome," he chuckled. This was the third time she thanked him in the last 15 minutes.

Quickly, she brought in the grocery bags and waved at him awkwardly as he walked away with the trolley. Without wasting a second, she slammed the door shut. Leaning her back against the door, she took heavy breaths as she tried to forget the face of that concierge. But it just wasn't working!

She slid down in annoyance and shook her head vigorously. But that didn't throw out the memories at all, instead it brought in memories of his name tag.

Jellal .F

When did she even had the chance to look at his nametag throughout those embarrassing events?!

"Hey, you okay?" Lucy came out of the bathroom.

"Yup!" her grin was so wide, seemingly forced, that it scared Lucy.

This was based off on my own experiences. Except I improvised it obviously.

Like in my version, the concierge wasn't as hot as Jellal and I don't remember his name. But other than that, I was sweating bullets through the whole thing while I was thinking about how dumb I was for all of those things to happen. The man probably thought I was the dumbest kid he had ever met lmao.

Kinda seems boring when it's all written out though, my apologies :/

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