Valentine Cramps

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I realised how much i dramaticized this 4 months later after it was writen I--

Rated K

Oh no. Oh no. Not now, she hoped. Not today. Why today out of all days. She tried to ignore the pain and follow her goal as she always did, but she received a bad one this month. Out of all months. He was going to be so upset, she thought as she dialed his number on her phone.


"Hey," he responded from the phone. "You've already gotten ready? This is the fastest you've ever been," he joked with a laugh. But she kept quiet, holding onto her disappointed expression. "Erza?"

"I'm sorry," she whimpered.

"Erza? Hey, what's wrong?" his joking tone was replaced with a concerned one.

"I know today's Valentine's day, but. . . I-I don't think I can make it for our date," she said with hesitation. She was hoping to feel better right before those words escape, but that was impossible. She couldn't believe it, this was their first Valentine's day and because of her stupid woman problems, she ruined it.

"Did something happen? Where are you, I'm coming over. Hang on," he told with assurance.

"Jellal, no--" he had already hung up. If she wasn't going to tell him, he was just going to find her. She groaned in pain and frustration


After giving him a key to her place, he could easily get access to her place anytime. And she regretted it this time. She didn't mind him seeing her in her vulnerable states, but this was just embarrassing.

He knocked on her bedroom door before coming in. "Erza?"

"I'm sorry," she said again. He noticed that her hand was firmly placed on her stomach and she seemed exhausted, lying on her bed. He also saw the hot pack and pills on her nightstand. He didn't need an explanation, he could figure it out after living with Meredy and Ultear for over seven years.

"You could've just told me you had menstruation cramps, it's okay to skip our date for your health." After Meredy put him through her sensory link when he made fun of her during her menstruation, he actually understood the pain. But even without going through that, he would always put Erza's health first above all.

"I really am sorry that we can't go on our valentine date, though," she told with sincerity. She wanted to tell him that he didn't have to be here, but truthfully, she really would love the company of her lover on the day of love.

"Don't worry about it," he replied. From what he heard out of Meredy's gossips, women love it when men bring goodies and just cuddle with them when they're in the middle of their monthly time, but since Erza hadn't told him about it, he didn't have the chance to bring anything. Cuddles was the only thing he could do, he thought.

He walked over to her bed and lied down beside her. She didn't question his actions, but only hugged him in her state. It felt really nice to have his arms around her, she felt safe as she was slowly forgetting about the pain inside her stomach.

"We could always have an indoor date," he suggested. "We can watch a movie and if you have ice cream, that would be great, right?" he said with a smile. Holy crap, she couldn't ask for anything more. He was definitely the most perfect man she has ever met.

Well actually this was not the way it was supposed to go. It was originally supposed to be written like version two, the next chap. Took me a month to figure out how to write that one sksksksksksk. And that's shorter than this.

I also wrote this like three days after Valentine's day hahah

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/evening!


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