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Erza was not amused to find the school delinquent waiting for a ride home at the same place she was. Especially after she, as the student body president, reported his school crimes to their principal.

Both of them stood under the roof of the bus station in silence and awkwardness, as it was pouring heavily. Thunderstorms could be heard, and Erza flinched at the loud ones. Her ringtone cut the tension, as she picked up the call.

"Hello?. . . What do you mean?. . . How could you do this?! Ugh! " Erza screamed to whoever it was at the other end of the call. Jellal watched as she hung up with anger and shoved the phone harshly into her bag. Her ride probably couldn't make it because she suddenly had her bag above her head as she stepped out of the cover of the bus station's roof.

Jellal snickered at how hopeless she seemed. Her head might be protected, but her clothes didn't seem to be. He thought she deserved it for always reporting every small mistake of every student to the principal. He hated how uptight she was.

But his actions later stunned himself as well as it did to her. Just out of reflex (he guessed) he opened his umbrella and held it over both of their heads.

"What are you doing?" she questioned. It was rather odd to see Jellal, who seemed to despise her with all his heart, tend to her.

"Just shut up and go along with it," he looked away. She was about to shoot back at him about how she didn't even ask for his help, but instead kept quiet. She didn't hate being under an umbrella. If she hadn't forgotten to bring her own, this situation wouldn't even happen.

As they walked, Erza got closer and closer to Jellal. It wasn't by choice since the umbrella was obviously made for only one person. Jellal felt the awkward tension rise back up in the air, but he didn't mind the warmth.

They ended the day with Erza inviting him into her apartment for something hot to eat after the weather they had just been through. And a new friendship was brought into the world that afternoon.

Ew ew ew, this was cringy asf because I didn't have anything planned except the fact that they are enemies sharing an umbrella. I was originally going to use this-ish for fmv2, but that failed because I didn't know how to connect it with the story.

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