Valentine Cramps Ver 2

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Living with him has definitely been going great. Apparently he was quite knowledgeable in the menstruation subject, and all credits goes to Ultear and Meredy.

Being the sweet boyfriend he was, he bought chocolates and ice creams for her cravings without even asking. And since it was Valentine's Day, he had the chance to buy extra with the cheap discounts.

When he came back, she was thrilled to find him with goodies filling his arms and kept on apologizing for ruining The Day of Love. But of course he didn't mind as long as the day was spent with her.

And what he was doing right now was even more appreciated. She was lying on her back with her legs around him. His hands were on her bare stomach, massaging her.

"How are you so good at this?" she questioned.

"I just happen to be," he grinned. "But these are not as good as yours," he gestured to his hands.

"I'm still sorry, you know?" she reminded him with guilt about destroying their Valentine plans.

"And I told you it's not your fault, you know?" he chuckled. "Besides, this isn't that bad," he stopped, but she could tell that there was probably something else coming. He suddenly leaned closer, with his hands going a bit higher and closer to her chest. "I get to touch you." The way he whispered to her face with his smirk and wink caused her to blush uncontrollably.

With her face painted in flustered red, she grabbed the pillow beside her and shoved it onto his face.

This was actually what was supposed to happen :D

Tbh this could be like a part 2 or smth to the other one, but whatever. I just couldn't get to this part with the other one.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! Have a good day/evening!


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