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Inspired by Unbelievable by Why Don't We!
Finally some recently written content lmaooo

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As a known nerd at his school, he never had girls fawning over him or chasing after him. He was always in the background; either writing notes about astronomy or just coming up with all kinds of different scientific theories.

But last night, for once, he let himself go and actually mingle with people. He joined a few classmates to a college party and of course, without a doubt, alcohol was involved. And Jellal, not used to alcohol much, he didn't take it very well. And that meant impulsive decisions.

As soon as he woke up on a bed he assumed was his, his sight was filled with bright red. Curious, his hand reached for the red thing and it felt. . . soft and silky. Like hair. The thought was quick to widen his eyes as he immediately sat up to get a clearer view of what was lying beside him.

It took him a few seconds to realise who it was. It baffled him to the end. It was none other than one of the soccer players on the girls soccer team at his school. The one he had been head over heels for, for years.

But what was she doing in bed with him?

Suddenly, a cold breeze of air hit his skin, almost shivering him. Instantly, he looked down. He was naked? Then his eyes darted back to the red head. Since the covers were all way to her shoulders and her back was facing him, he didn't know if she was naked too or not and although he knew it was very wrong, he lifted the covers only slightly to find the answer to his question.

The outcome was quick to cause his cheeks to steam up as his mind straight away ran to a few thoughts.

A second later, he was hit with a pang on his head. Was it a hangover? He wasn't too surprised since he knew the amount of his alcohol intake last night was a lot. But despite that, he remembered almost everything?

He remembered letting half a beer bottle down his throat all at once and then spotting the red head, Erza Scarlet, not too far from him. He remembered throwing away his glasses for no apparent reason, which was the answer to the missing feeling on his face. He remembered approaching her with such confidence he didn't think he had it in him anymore, or ever. Alcohol, sure did changed him. He couldn't remember what happened afterwards that brought them to his room, but he did remember what happened after they reached his bed.

Memories of his skin on hers rushed through his mind so vividly that his face was hotter than before. His hands were on her waist, holding her close and tight while he tasted her lips. He could never forget how her lips tasted, he swore he could drink a whole damn case of her taste. He remembered how her body moved against his, and oh god, the big crush he had on her hoped for this to not be a torturous dream.

Suddenly, he felt her hand on his and without a warning, she pulled him down and put his arm over her waist, planting his hand on her stomach. "Good morning," she mumbled with still closed eyes.

It was purely unbelievable that this scene was playing right in front of him. She's been on his head for as long as he could remember, and he couldn't deny that she was in heart, but now? Now she was in his bed.

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