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Original title was The Devil That Purrs but I wanted smth simple so

Warning: Cringe level, high asf

Rated K

Jellal and Erza shared a loving, and passionate relationship. Unlike with her cat and him. Erza gifted her the name Strawberry, and Jellal was not so sure that her cat was as sweet, and soft as the fruit in rich crimson skin.

When Erza leaves them alone in one room, they would send sharp daggers to one another through their eyes. One would call Jellal crazy for having a cat as a nemesis, but they didn't know its true side. Strawberry would show everyone her playful, shy, bright side, except to Jellal.

The feline just seemed to hate his guts ever since the first time he stepped in her home. Jellal didn't know why, but time went on after that and he had already noticed the cat's behaviour towards him. So naturally, he chose to hate it back.

Now Erza was not aware of this whole rivalry between her two favourite living beings, until one afternoon. . .

"Hey, sweetie."

Jellal had a smile on his face as he read through his book, hearing that little nickname she gave him. Turning his head to her to reply back, he found her nuzzling her cat. Immediately, his smile turned upside down into a frown.

He watched as she laughed when Strawberry stroke her face with her small, adorable paws (which Jellal happen to found them horrifying, capable-of-murder paws)

"Since I'll be gone all afternoon tomorrow, I'll spend a lot of time with you today!" She brushed her fur as the cat sat comfortably on her lap. Hearing that, Jellal accidentally scoffed out loud. And that made Erza raise her eyebrow, "What?"


"What? Tell me!"

"It's nothing, geez."

"Come on, Jellal," she whined, also pulling her cat closer to herself.

Jellal had no intention to tell her anything at all seeing that. But she noticed. She noticed this time how Jellal looked at her cat. He looked at her with jealousy; obviously wishing he was in the feline's place.

"Jellal. . . Are you. . . Are you jealous of my cat?"

"What?! That's absurd!"

"Is it?" She smirked, kissing her cat's little nose. Through Jellal's eyes, he saw that kiss filled with love while she was only trying to provoke him.

"Y-Yes, it is absolutely absurd." Huffing, he turned away and darted his eyes back to his book.

That caused her to laugh out loud and that made him feel embarrassed about himself. Erza scooched over to him, resting her head on his shoulder, and this time nuzzling his neck. "You weirdo," she chuckled. "I love you, too."

He only grumbled in response, seeing as she was still holding the cat close. But he ended up sending back his love through kissing her forehead. And putting up a satisfied smile when Strawberry seemed to want to growl at him, but didn't since her owner was there.

Though there may still be that little enemy thing going on between Jellal and Strawberry, it was clear Erza loved them both equally.

Ewww this is so cringy but the idea was just there and Idk, I hate wasting ideas :/

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