Gym Humidity

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Inspired by that one Tumblr Prompt by otppromptsib; I’m just trying to work out at the gym, but damn it can you stop looking so hot? It’s so distracting.

Rated T

Erza goes to the gym quite often, she almost knows everyone at her gym. She never misses a chance to greet someone new, but today was a bit different. She wondered why was it so hard to approach this guy.

She put on her earbuds, pressed play on her workout playlist and started to run on the treadmill. While running, she looked around, smiling at people, some waved at her; her usual routine.

Turning back to the screen on her treadmill, she sped it up a bit. She looked to her side to see someone she didn't recognize step on the other treadmill. Just as she was about to greet him too, he turned his head to her direction. Thank god his gorgeous eyes weren't eyeing her, because she had acquired quite the hard blush on her face.

Feeling speechless out of a sudden, she turned her head back to the screen of the treadmill. Her face felt hot, not sweaty hot, but just red, embarrassment hot.

She was really clueless as to why she felt this way. She never had trouble talking to hot guys before. Such as when Gray Fullbuster first came in, she was fine talking to him. She had no fear flirting with him-- though they stayed as friends and he is now in a relationship that she absolutely supports-- but that wasn't the point!

She never ignored a newcomer, but she tried to this time.


It's been an hour since he came in here, and apparently they almost have the same routine. Erza kept being distracted by him-- and it didn't help when he took off his tank top and literally poured half of his water from his bottle on himself from the top of his head. His well structured muscles shined perfectly under that lighting, and she almost fainted.

One of the people there even asked her out of worry if she was okay. Apparently her face was so red, she seemed like she had a fever to Natsu Dragneel! One of the dumb ones there could actually guessed how a person with a fever looked like. That surprised her, because the said man once thought a woman was a dude when she had big ass breasts.

That's it. She dropped her dumbbells to the ground, grabbed her work out bag and headed to the door. She couldn't deal with how distracting this attractive, blue haired stranger was. Grumbling to herself, she sprinted.

"Wait!" someone called her. Surprisingly, when she turned around, it was that attractive, blue haired stranger. "You know, I just threw away my usual routine so I could copy yours and get your attention," she couldn't help but blush at his words. She has had many men chasing after her, but this was one hot piece of meat. "But it seems that I've failed. So do you by any chance would like to go out for lunch or dinner sometime?"

"H-huh?" she wondered if he caught her staring at his glowing abs. "Uh, I mean, sure! Of course!" She nervously laughed, looking away.

"Really? I thought I was being out of blue, but that's great to hear! See you soon." With a wink, he left the gym while she stood there speechless. Quickly shaking out her dirty thoughts, Erza remembered that she didn't even catch his name or number! She wondered how they'll meet next time.

I wrote this like months ago and now I find it cringy asf, but there's no point in just keeping so take it I guess

I actually planned another ending. Go to the next chapter to read it.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! Have a good day/evening!


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