Ghost Of You Ver 2

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Inspired by Ghost Of You by 5SOS (The lyrics used are above in the picture, read that after reading this drabble)

Rated T

This was the first time in awhile that he woke up alone on his bed. That empty space beside him felt so unnatural. Usually her body would lay there as she slept peacefully while her skin glowed under the rays of sunshine coming through the windows. But today, today he didn't get the chance to touch her soft skin, he didn't get to have that chance to feel it against him again. And it felt so disappointing, to be able to roll over to her side without her there.

His eyes darted to the bedside table and he found the mug she always used for her daily morning coffee. He snorted at how her lipstick stain was still there from yesterday morning. It seemed to have stayed even after that long, but he didn't doubt that it would fade with time just like their love did.

If he dreamt long and hard enough, he would still be able to feel her, to see her, to hear her. She'd tell him that even during this hard time, he would soon be fine. Always. He'll be just fine. But he didn't think he can believe those words, because if she wasn't there to hold him, he didn't think he would be just fine. And at the thought of that made him chuckle pathetically.

Ah pathetic. He remembered how pathetic he was before he met her, and now he was going to stay in bed after a break up pathetically again? He didn't think so. With a grin that hid a pained heart, he sat up from his bed.

Most people would keep their ex's belongings just a little bit longer to feel their presence, but Jellal didn't think he would be able to live along with her items around him without missing her. He didn't want to miss her. As much of a masochist he was, he didn't feel like hurting himself that time.

With a sigh, he began to rummage through his drawers and closets to pick up her left-overs. He scoffed at that. Her left-overs. He would mail them back to her, but knowing Erza, he didn't think she would want to be hurt either. To see all that without remembering of how they used to be shared with him, he didn't think she could do that.

As he cleaned up, he found that old Zeppelin shirt that she wore when she ran away after that heated fight they had. He should've known that their break up was near since then. Looking at the mirror beside him, he almost laughed at himself. He hated himself a lot that day for hurting her with such words. He didn't think he would be able to forgive himself, but of course, her words are always there to soothe him and tell him otherwise.

Jellal found their break up a healthy thing that they both needed to do. After all, first loves rarely ever stay til the end and their relationship happened to be one of those unfortunate ones even after staying together since high school graduation.

Jellal could only smile at all the memories they had together. He couldn't exactly say it was a waste of time, because it wasn't. He went through a lot of happy times with her, but that was just it. It was obvious that they were too young, too dumb to judge what love was. But Jellal felt grateful because it taught him a lesson. He finally knew better after that.

But still and all the good things that came out of their break up, it didn't mean Jellal was entirely happy. Getting over someone would take time and he was well aware of that. So for now, he'll be drowning it out like he always does. What else was he supposed to do?

Yet after cleaning out her stuffs, he could still feel that presence of hers that he would long for for a very long time even if he tried to refuse. Now, he could only dance through their-- well, his now-- house with the ghost of her. The imaginary presence of Erza Scarlet. Ah, there it was again, his pathetic self.

He didn't want to, but he sure as heck would be chasing those goddamn dreams down even after being shot by the truth; his feet can't and won't dance like they did with her.

So this time I actually went through the lyrics and listened to the song on repeat as I write unlike with the first one where I just guessed and followed where my mind took me haha

Pretty surprised how I didn't force myself to bring out a happy ending like with the first version skskskskks

Kinda gave up with the third paragraph of the lyrics lol

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! Have a good day/evening!


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