Roommate Problems

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After having a long, exhausting day, he was not happy to have someone knocking on his door at 12 am. He was just about to enter the dream world and that stupid person just had to knock and bring him back into reality.

He thought of ignoring the visitor, but he didn't want to be rude-- such a goody-two-shoes, he is-- so he swung his door open with barely open red eyes and groaned out a, "what?"

"Sorry to bother--" His eyes immedietly shot wide open. He could recognize that sweet melody of a voice anywhere. "--but my roommate's boyfriend is staying over and he's also your roommate, so may I sleep over? I can sleep on the floor." He acknowledged the pillow and blanket in her arms, her messy, scarlet hair, crumpled tank top, and oh, he regretted looking down. Even in her tired state, she looked sexy as hell in those shorts, despite the fact that they were patterned with pink bunnies; she couldn't look far from gorgeous in his eyes.

"Wait, Mira's your roommate?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "I-It's okay if I can't sleep over, I'll just--"

She was about to turn around, but stopped when he screamed, "nO!" with a horrified face. He really felt like hitting his dumbass head on a wall, or just crawl into a deep, dark hole and live there forever. He must've startled her with that strange response. "I m-mean, no-- Wait, no! No! No, I don't mean 'no'!" His hands were moving all over the place as his words jumbled.

Jellal stopped talking when he heard her giggle. He grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck. "What I meant was, you can sleep over."

"Thank you," she grinned and he stepped back to let her in.

She started to set up her blanket on the floor, but he quickly stopped her. "You don't have to sleep on floor. You can use my bed," he insisted.

"But where will you sleep?" she tilted her head with one raised brow.

"I'm used to sleeping on the floor," he told. "I usually sleep on the floor when my bed is dirty," he blurted out, but quickly wished he could take those words back. "N-Not that it's dirty right now!" his hand and head shook vigorously as beads of sweat were on his forehead.

"Oh okay," she got up and went to lie down on his bed. He sighed and turned around. He was going to murder Laxus. Laxus happened to know he had a major crush on the redhead currently on his bed, and didn't think it would be nice to tell him that Erza was the roommate of his girlfriend.

While Jellal slept on the floor with a red face, Erza wondered what laundry detergent he used, because his sheets smelled so good that she was already fast asleep.

Based on a prompt by fallingintothemfandoms on Tumblr, "my roommate's boyfriend is staying over so can I please sleep on your floor"

Blegh -> my thoughts on this chap

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/evening!


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