When The Kids Are Asleep

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Arriving home after a long day at the council, he felt safe to find his house quiet. Usually he would yell out loud that he was home, but since it was so peaceful, he assumed his kids were put to sleep and didn't want to wake them. He learned that lesson a few weeks ago after getting scolded by his wife.

Jellal took off his coat and placed his suitcase quietly beside the sofa. He looked around before lying down on the couch with a sigh and his eyes shut. Just as he was about to doze off, he felt the weight of something softly landing on top of him, snuggling under his chin.

"How was work?" she questioned.

"Tiring," he responded, wrapping his arms around her. "How were the kids?"

"Exhausting," Erza replied with a groan. He only chuckled.

"I'll be home tomorrow all day, I can help around."

"Oh, don't worry about them. I already told Bisca to babysit them tomorrow for the whole day." It's been months since her house was children-free that at the thought of it made her grin widely. She thanked Bisca a lot today for taking them in again.

"Does that mean we can have the house to ourselves?" Jellal asked with excitement.

"Well, I wanted the house to myself, but you being there wouldn't hurt," she teased. "I haven't gotten the chance to shower yet today, so I'm going to take one now while I still have the chance." Before getting up, she kissed his cheek softly.

"Wait." He grabbed her hand. "Mind if I join you?" he smiled. Smirking, she pulled him up and led him to the bathroom.

Inspired by that one prompt on Tumblr, "Mind if I join you"

Ok so this is like the last of what I have in stored, so like future drabbles are going to take awhile for me to produce bc like I have many prompts but no motivation to actually write. Drabbles are smth I write when I'm super bored so dw I'll still write sometimes.

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