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It was a simple, lazy Sunday. A day everyone stayed at home doing nothing either alone or with their loved ones. There are some who went and did productive things of course, but most chose to waste their free time just like that. Others, though, they spend their time on the couch with their significant other, making out as if there was no tomorrow.

Erza had her legs spread but locked on each side of Jellal's. Her fingers grasped on his hair while her tongue was losing dominance to his, especially with his hands under her shirt on her waist, rubbing his thumbs in a circular motion on her skin, rising them second by second to her chestal area. His touch was always quick to make her weak in his arms.

While their tongues and hands moved, their hips also moved along. Though their crotches had a fabric barrier, they could still feel the high friction against one another. Erza kept grinding on him, faster and faster, but every time she pulled her head back to catch her breath or just let out a moan, Jellal would pull her back, muffling her moan against his lips.

Until Erza finally felt her legs trembling, ready to release, only did Jellal let her head tilt back to whimper at the feeling of pleasure on her lower area. With her new head position, he was given a lot of space on her neck to leave light kisses and a few marks here and there. Adding in his thumbs brushing over her nipples in a teasing manner, he didn't take too long to make her breathing pace go unsteady while she became a moaning mess.

He noticed that she was seconds away from bursting when she was struggling to let his name escape her mouth. Letting his hand squeez one of her buttcheeks, his hip movements quickened, knowing he was close too.

"Erza," he groaned against her neck.

Suddenly her breath hitched and she squeaked out his name. Gripping his shoulders. she released.

Still feeling quite sensitive after she came, Erza squirmed in his arms while Jellal kept thrusting. A few seconds later, he let himself go, causing both to moan loudly.

Catching their breaths, Erza lowered her head to look at him with her half-opened eyes. Her hands travelled to his face and cupped his cheeks while he stared back into her brown eyes before diving in for a kiss. But they were far from over.

With his hands on her waist again, he pushed her down to the empty space on his side and pinned her down on the couch. It was still early for a Sunday and they had all the time to go for round after round.

The ending was dull, my apologies.

So I thought of writing a full smut, where they're all stripped off from their clothings, but uh Idk. I felt like it would kinda ruin it and at least I let them release once before letting the rest go to your imaginations??? HAHA hope you enjoyed my attempt at a kind-off-smut (since it's not rlly a pre-smut, but also not a full smut lol)

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