Vending Machine

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This was a oneshot rather than a drabble haha

Rated K

Normally Jellal would have a smile on his face if he woke up knowing it was finally his free day, but today was slightly different. Usually he would have had something planned for a day like this, but he was so caught up with work, he forgot.

An hour has passed since he woke up, and he still hasn't gotten up from bed. He continued staring at his pale, white ceiling, constantly checking his phone. On his work days, his pinterest would send him activity ideas, but today out of all days, it decided not to. So he was on his own to think of activities for himself.

He would go out with his friends, but they were either with their family or stuck working, so he didn't have a reason to go out. He finally sat up from his bed and found him in his messy room.

He didn't remember it being remember it being this messy. Maybe being distracted with leaving early for work everyday pushed the thought of his own home's cleanliness away. That's it, maybe he could clean up a bit.

After cleaning up, he had a satisfaction smile on his face, but when he checked the clock, only half an hour has passed. He frowned. Now that he has done this, what was he supposed to do next to pass time?

He really didn't mind if his boss called him to come to work today, because at least he would have something to do rather than nothing.

He sighed and grabbed his sweater. He hasn't been there in awhile, but he remembered that there was a small vending machine near his apartment. The distance only took him a few minutes.

Upon reaching there, he saw that it sold Snickers Bars. Checking his pocket, he had enough for two. With a shrug, he inserted his coins and clicked on the numbers. Only a second later, he realised he had pinned in the wrong numbers.

"Wait, no!" he shouted, pressing his palms onto the glass as he looked at the can of green tea falling instead of his chocolate. He hit his head onto the glass in frustration. He sighed before remembering that he still had enough for another one. At least one should do.

Instead of inserting the money first, he led with pinning in the numbers to make sure. He even double checked before letting his money in. He watched as his snickers bar slowly reached it's edge, but when it decided to stop, Jellal's eyes went wide.

"Really? You had to stop there?" he muttered to the object. He tried shaking the machine, but it didn't budge. Out of irritation, he kicked the machine. With scowl on his face, he wanted to walk away, but then gasped when he saw his chocolate moved and fell forward. Unfortunately, his hope died when it decided to get stuck in between the glass and its shelve.

He growled and turned away to walk back to his apartment. But instead, with his luck never growing, he just had to bump into someone. All he wanted was to have a decent day with his two snickers bars, not interacting with strangers! He was ready to lash out on them for not watching where they were going, but soon found himself with pink cheeks and in front of a gorgeous, red-head lady.

"Sorry," she apologized and walked past him to the vending machine. His eyes followed her and noticed she was typing in the numbers of the green tea he accidentally bought.

"Uh wait!" he called before she inserted her money. She turned her head to him. "I, um-- there's already a green tea down there. I actually bought it just now-- well uh, accidentally, because I wanted a snickers bar, but my hand decided to type in the green tea's numbers for some reason." His hand was nervously scratching the back of his neck as he stammered-- was it just him or was it blazing hot today.

"How can someone make a mistake with the green tea and snickers' pin numbers? They're so far apart," she pointed out.

"Yeah, I know. I guess I'm a bit stupid today," he responded with a chuckle. If he could just take moment without her there, he would have slapped himself a thousand times for saying that. He wasn't wrong about being stupid today, because if he wasn't, he wouldn't have let that sentence escape his mouth.

Instead of ignoring him like he thought she would, she laughed. He didn't really know what to do, so he laughed along with her.

"I'm Erza," she introduced herself. Jellal was rather surprised with how quick she was with giving her name. "And," she paused and bent down to grab the 'free' green tea from the vending machine he told her about, "thanks for this." She smiled. He smiled back. Wow, her smile was angelic in his eyes. "Because you bought me this, I guess I owe you a snickers bar."

She typed in the numbers and inserted the money she was going to use for her green tea. A snickers bar behind the one he bought, pushed it and fell along with it.

"Seems like you got two." She handed him both.

"Well, you can take the other one if you want," he pushed one back towards her. Although he actually wanted two from the start, he (for some reason) felt wrong to not give her one.

"No, it's fine," she assured. "You look like you need it. Have a good day!"

She was about to walk away, but he called her back by shouting his own name, "Jellal!"

"What?" Her head turned back.

"My name. Jellal is my name-- I-I mean, my name is Jellal," he chuckled with embarrassment and red cheeks.

"Alright then, I hope we meet again." She gave him a grin and walked away. He stood there until she was out of his sight.

He smiled. All he wanted was a decent day with his two snickers bars, but he didn't mind adding in interacting with a pretty stranger who brightened him up.

"he (for some reason) felt wrong to not give her one" was that Jellal's way of flirting? skksksksks

Kinda inspired by what happened to my sister some time ago, but excluding the part where she meets the love of her life and getting two snicker bars lmao. She came back with just the accidental can of iced lemon tea that time skskskks.

Also, imagine them telling their kids that a chocolate brought them together. So sweet-- or not, you decide haha.

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/evening!


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