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I won't be publishing much anymore due to me barely writing these days. Hope u don't mind

This was written in May and weirdly is not as bad as the other ones written in May lmao

Based on a prompt from prompts.neocities.org.

It was midnight and Jellal was still up in his bed. He tried and tried, but his eyes just didn't want to rest. His mind especially. Every time he tells himself to sleep, it just goes back to that particular redhead.

'Sleep, Jellal. Sleep. . . Bed. . . Comfortable. . . Soft. . . Boobs. . . Erza-- Stop it!' He slapped himself.

Grumbling to himself, he turned around and faced his bolster. It was just a pillow, but of course, his imagination took a different turn. One by one, his head pictured the pillow with silky scarlet locks, framing a familiar face he formed on the pillow. He started with her eyes; those chocolate, brown orbs, glistening like a copper penny under the bright sun. And then her nose; sharp like her, but it also had that rounded touch like a berry. And to her lips; rich in red like her hair, plump and soft like her favourite fruit.

His hand reached out to touch her cheek, grazing it with his fingers. He could see her smile. Slowly, he leaned his face in to latch his lips on hers.

"OI QUIT YOUR WEIRD IMAGINATIONS, WILL YA?" shouted the man who slept in the room beside his. Instantly, he remembered that the woman of his fantasies was not there, causing her face to vanish away from the pillow he held so dearly. "HOW PATHETIC ARE YOU?"

He frowned. Of course, Erik had to disrupt his moments of 'joy.'

Okay so the descriptive part got a bit out of hand ahaha

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