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I FORGOT TO PUBLISH. Anyways the new ones I'm publishing are the ones that aren't that good and old rn  but I promise I'll get to the good ones soon

Rated M(?)


"Quick! Hide!" Jellal gasped, getting Erza off of him. Quickly she got down and hid under his desk (hitting her head in the process), and he buttoned up his blouse. "Come in!"

The door opened and came in his clerk. "Sir, Mr. Clive needs you in his office." Usually it'd be his secretary to tell him that instead of Ms. Heartfilia, but well. . . His secretary is pretty much naked and under his desk.

"Inform him that I'll be there in five minutes," he told her and she left with a nod.

"That was terrfying," Erza sighed, crawling out.

Buckling up his belt, he chuckled. "Well, I should get going now. Make sure no one sees you coming out of my office."

"I'm not an idiot, Jellal."

"If you're not, how come you don't remember that it's 'Mr. Fernandez' to you here at work?"

"Oh, shut up."

Fixing his tie, he left with a smirk.


"Jellal fucking Fernandez, where is my underwear?" She hissed at him through his phone.

"Somewhere in the building." He was going to wink, but he remembered that she couldn't exactly see him.

"Do not even wink, you bastard. Give it back."

"Find it." He simpered. "Before somebody else does."

"Jellal, I swe--" he hung up. What an asshole. With a snicker, he entered Mr. Clive's office, leaving his girlfriend-- sorry, secretary to walk the halls of the company building with every piece of clothing, except her underwear.

Oh, boy. She was going to kill Jellal tonight when they get home.

Did Erza find it or not, up to you :)

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