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hi. here's a little smth i wrote at like 6am this morning when i should've been asleep!1!1!1 safe to say i woke up v tired at noon for my online class. but like if i had waited to write til then, i probs would've forgotten all the words i was gonna use so-

this obvs takes place after the pardon (excluding ft100yq) since that's when most of my scenarios take place. maybe it's cause im just rly happy jellal is free now :,)

Jellal could already feel droplets of rain landing on his face as he continued to climb over whatever he could to reach the window of her room. Not mention how he almost fell down when he heard someone calling him out of nowhere.

"Hi, Jellal!"

He really shouldn't be having heart attacks at his current age. Or perhaps he really was as old as Meredy liked to claim.

"M-Mira, what are you doing there?"

She simply smiled at him from the roofed porch where she was safe from the rain and watched him hold onto whatever he could in an attempt to not fall. "You know males aren't allowed over, right? I'm sure Erza knows as well since she's always the one to lecture everyone about it."

He was slightly creeped out by her never falling, oddly disturbing smile.

"Yes, I'm fully aware." Well he wasn't about the second part, but wow was she a hypocrite. Erza made it clear to him some time ago that he was allowed to come over whenever he wanted to because she wanted to be his little checkpoint during his long journeys. He found it cute, personally. He had many comments and questions about whether or not if he's really allowed over whenever, but it was obvious that she wasn't interested in answering them, so he couldn't do anything except oblige to her idea. But perhaps he shouldn't have.

"I'm sorry, this is entirely inappropriate. I shouldn't be here." He began to descend back down.

"No, it's okay. I understand. You need shelter at the moment so one time wouldn't do you any harm."

He fell silent for a second before he responded. "Ah, thank you. I owe you one." He pretended to not hear the 'one time' part considering this wasn't exactly his first time sneaking in.

Soon, he managed to got in. Her room was dark, as expected. It was nighttime. He could see her silhouette sleeping on her bed with the teddy bear he had gifted her a little recently. He smiled at the thought before entering her bathroom.

She had a towel ready for him and he really couldn't thank her enough for all the little things she does. He probably should've given her something other than the teddy bear, but little did he know Erza truly loved the stuffed animal more than he would've thought. Mostly because it came from him specifically.

He took off his clothes and he had them be washed and dried in the machine she owned while he took a shower.

When he got out, he was back in his previous clothes, except cleaner. He didn't know what else to do, so he walked towards the window he came in from. While he waited for the rain to stop, he chose to stare outside and dive into his thoughts. He found it pleasing that her room had such a nice view from the hill, although said view was being hidden by the pouring rain.

"You know, I have some clothes you can change into in one of my drawers. I know how very uncomfortable it can get to stay in those clothes for long."

He was a little startled by the sound of her voice, but he heard her. Boy, was he jumpy that night.

"Thank you, but I have to leave soon so I don't mind."

It was quiet for a few seconds before she added something else. "I wouldn't mind if you slept over, Jellal." He heard her pat softly on her bed, presumably the space beside her.

He didn't respond. Instead he continued to stare at the rain droplets racing one another to the end of her window. He didn't know whether he should accept her offer or not. She was stubborn and will probably make him stay for his own good, but they weren't exactly at that part of their relationship yet. And they also agreed that her dorm would only act as a checkpoint for emergencies.

Such as a moment ago when the rain was about to arrive and he couldn't find shelter anywhere else. Or that one time when Meredy ditched him at the side of the street when he was hopelessly hungry and Erza, thankfully, had food saved in her home. He remembered the nice dinner he had with her, but other than that he never thought of staying over. The farthest he went was taking a nap on her couch. Which was an accident by the way. Not that she minded either.

Releasing a soft sigh, he turned around to face her, finding her staring back at him and waiting for a response.

Sending a smile her way, he chose to listen and pick out the clothes she had recently bought, washed, and folded from one of her drawers. Changing into them in her bathroom, he later found her sitting on the other side of the bed and waiting for him. When she saw him walking over, she began to lie down. And so did he.

"Good night, Erza."

"Good night, Jellal." He could hear the smile in her voice, although he couldn't exactly see it in the dark. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to take the next step in their relationship.

"I'll make breakfast tomorrow."

its up to u whether or not theyre in a romantic relationship. the part where i said that part of of their relationship could refer to as a sleeping-together relationship or just a romantic relationship. i picked the latter personally

this isn't my best work ill admit but i haven't completed any of my wips in MONTHS and this was like done in one go-

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