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As soon as Jellal closed the door behind him, his eyes changed. It wasn't the sweet and kind colors they sparkled with from during their date, but they were filled with lust and want. Licking his bottom lip, he took a step forward; hands ready to take her and hold her beneath him.

But Erza took a step backward, staring back at him with her legs almost trembling in excitement. Her heart pounded as she imagined the things he was about to do, her mind felt like exploding just wondering about his next move; which part of her body would he lay his hands on first, which part of her body would he kiss her with his tasty lips first-- how does he plan to make love to her tonight.

Another step forward was taken by the ultramarine as he grew more cocky. He acknowledged her shaky breath, causing his smirk to grow wider. She was ready to be ravished, but it seemed that she wanted to play first. Well, he can too, of course.

Another step backward, Erza's stomach was tingling as she waited for her back to hit that wall behind her. She waited for him to pin her and strip her of every garment she had on her body. While the waiting was progressing, her eyes eyed him like an eagle, watching him while he did the same.

It was a game of their unpredictable movements, and Erza was surprised when he took a step forward faster than he did before. Quickly, she took a step backward. He didn't even give her a second to think before he took another step forward. And of course, not wanting to lose yet, she took another one backward; her breathing going heavier, thirsting for his touch.

She expected him to take another quick step, but he stayed in his spot, eyeing her like he had already won. This time his foot moved slow, letting her take another step back before it even reached the ground. But she made a mistake. As much as she wanted to be devoured by him, she didn't think the game would end so soon. And that was his plan. He knew that step of hers would be her last; her back hit the wall with a soft thud and that sounded like victory to his ears.

Her chest heaved up and down as he took his last step towards her. His face leaned in to hers while one of his hands rose to her chin, tilting it upwards to face him. His other hand went under her blouse to her waist, while he let his eyes travel to her lips.

"Jellal. . ." she muttered in such a low voice that one could only mistake it as a sigh. But he heard her. Loud and clear, while her hands glazed over his biceps.

"Erza. . ." he whispered against her lips. Glancing into her eyes one last time, he smashed his lips on hers, finally bringing that passion she yearned for. And as any other time, while their mouths danced with one another, their hands crawled everywhere, ripping each other's clothes.

It was one of those nights where they spent it reminding their neighbours of their names through countless of moans and screams.

The ending seemed open and I hate it but blegh idk how else to do it

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