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BRO SO i was just thinking ab updating this book bc i just thought of smth but i kinda didnt feel like writing anyth at all BUT THEN one of my friends found my acc 💀 n i think thats a sign to update guys 🤝

jerza fandom kinda dead but i thought of a new headcanon <3

just a little warning tho, i havent written in so long my writing kinda died 💀
"Cheesecake!" he exclaimed. Everyone awed at his answer. "I'd say it's definitely my favourite food."

"I've never had cheesecake before," Millianna looked down to her toes, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Don't worry! When we leave this place I'll treat everyone to cheesecake. It's a promise."

Erza sat on the boat as it floated away from the tower. Her eyes kept looking back, hoping to hear her name called out by him. Maybe he hadn't meant what he said. Maybe he wanted her to stay. Maybe she shouldn't have left.

All she could think about was why he had said what he did. Why would he suddenly threaten her to leave? Why would he suddenly choose to stay?

Especially after the promise he made to all of them.

Her only working eye looked up to the starry sky. It reminded her of how his eyes sparkled whenever he talked about cheesecake. She truly wondered what was so great about it. Would he perhaps have changed his mind back to the original plan if she had reminded him of his cheesecake promises?

She didn't know. And might never.
A few months after she had left the tower, she had begun to settle in Fairy Tail. It was nice. She felt at home.

"Erza! Try out this cheesecake!" Her head turned around at the mention of the pastry. She hadn't heard the name in quite awhile.

She looked up at the lady behind the bar who always served food to the guild members. She was holding out a cheesecake for her, but Erza didn't know whether she should take it or not.

Maybe Jellal had forgotten about the promise, but she hadn't. Would they be disappointed in her for trying out cheesecake without them? Erza couldn't help but feel guilty at the thought of her friends not being able to be here with her.

"I..." Her eyes almost started to water, but she knew how to keep it in by now.

"Trust me, it's really good." The lady grinned.

"Just eat it already, you're taking up the seat." Before she knew it, Gray had shoved a spoon in her mouth. Her eyes widened at the sudden wash of flavours hitting her tongue. She almost choked on it too and was ready to beat the ice wizard up for making her eat it against her wishes.

But despite everyone expecting Gray to have received quite a number of bruises by now, they instead watched how Erza kept herself still seated on her stool.

Clearly, she was still in shock at the new feeling and texture in her mouth. She hadn't ever had anything like it before. She felt as if she was in heaven.

Just at the thought of heaven, she suddenly remembered the tower and how her friends would've loved the cake just as much as she did. She thought about all of their smiles and laughter as they ate cheesecake together. She thought about him smiling and laughing along them.

She couldn't take it anymore.

Immediately, she started sobbing in her seat at her imaginations. She knew that was all they were and that's all they were ever going to be.

"O-Oi, Erza-"

She cut Gray off by crying harder. It wasn't on purpose, she just couldn't hold it in as good as she thought she would. She missed them. She wanted to eat cheesecake with them all.

Jellal didn't lie when he said it was going to be delicious and would feel as if you're in pure joy when you eat cheesecake. Maybe they had different reasons as to why it felt like pure joy, but no wonder it was his favourite food.

All she wanted was to eat it with him, even if it's just for once.
"Erza!" he called her over to his spot. Walking over, she quickly sat beside him. When she saw the baskets, she couldn't wait for him to open them. She was already aware of what he had brought. After all, what is a picnic without cheesecake?

"Quickly! The cheesecake!" she clasped her hands together, watching him cut a slice with a chuckle leaving his lips. He then handed it to her in a paper plate. Although, most of the time she would've dug in it first by herself, she couldn't wait to see his smile today.

She picked up a piece with her spoon and brought it to his mouth.

"Say 'ah'."

Grinning, he obliged and opened his mouth. When the spoon came in, he instantly took in the cake. It was so good. His smile stretched so wide as he kept chewing.

Would she even need the cake to boost up her serotonin anymore when he was right there?

She couldn't help but think about herself back then; everyday wishing for this moment. Now she could live in it everyday and whenever. She couldn't be more grateful.

"I love cheesecake."
kinda started headcanoning that the reason erza likes cheesecake was bc jellal had mentioned it in the tower of heaven and every time she ate it, it reminded her of him and her friends :))))

plus i always imagined jellal coming from a rich family b4 tower of heaven so he obvs had his share of cheesecakes- he rly gives me rich vibes idk man 🧍‍♀️

hope u enjoyed !

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