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This drabble is old, and not my fav but keeping it as a draft is annoying so eh
I've decided to rate my drabbles yeee

Rated M(?)

The living room was dark with only the bright lacrima tv screen as the light source; luminating the couch. It was occupied by the couple cuddling comfortably, giving each other warmth as they were both focusing on the movie Erza had chosen for the night.

As they were watching, the movie arrived at an intimate scene with two of its characters on bed and their garments missing. As usual, when a scene like this comes, Erza's face would be flushed, despite the many times she and her lover had done it.

Jellal, on the other hand, had a straight face put on, but he was really trying his best to hold down his temptation to start their own little intimate moment. A knock on the door had saved him when Erza got up to see who it was, thinking that it was odd for anybody to visit during such a late time of night.

At least he thought the knock had saved him.

Unintentionally, Erza had paused the movie on an explicit scene displayed on the screen. That made his urges rise even higher. He decided after the movie ends, he would have her beneath him just as the two characters presented in the movie.

"Who is it!" Jellal yelled, impatient to finish the movie.

"It's Wendy and Carla. Their dorm had a blackout and it could only be fixed in the morning," Erza told as she lead both of her guests into the living room. "So they're going to sleep here toni--" she stopped when she heard a gasp filled with terror coming from the white feline.

Wondering why Carla had suddenly shut her human companion's eyes with her paws with widened eyes as she looked at the sight in front of her, Erza snapped her head towards the same direction and instantly gasped too.

"Jellal!" she screamed in utter horror. "Shut the damn lacrima!"

"Huh?" he turned to the screen in confusion. "OH!" After realising, his hand quickly grabbed the remote in panic, almost causing it to slip out of his hand before turning it off.

Although Wendy was aware of those kinds of things, she was only 14. She shouldn't be seeing those things yet.

"Maybe this house isn't as kid-friendly as I thought it would be." With a huff Carla immedietly forcefully pulled Wendy towards the door.

"W-Wait!" But Erza was too late. Carla had already slammed the door shut. "I. . ."

"What are you going to do now. . . ?" Jellal asked as the room was filled with an awkward atmosphere.

Erza turned her head towards him, not knowing what the proper reaction or answer would be.

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