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Based on episode 265 (episode 90 of the 2014 season)

After the war with Tartaros died, everyone was spending time at the guild treating their wounds and with family. And Erza would be there too, of course, if it wasn't for what happened with Kyoka. Instead of following the direction to her guild, she found herself sitting by a lake. Pondering about the things she went through.

It wasn't the first time she was tortured by someone while being chained. She felt completely helpless back then at the Tower of Heaven. And she let it happen again with Kyoka.

The way Kyoka did things to her brought memories to what she experienced years ago. She tried everything to get rid of the nasty flashback. A time that left her traumatised to the core. Just at the thought of it had her trembling. She was mortified.

How could she have let her guard down so easily when meeting with the former chairman? How could she be so naive? She felt absolutely tricked and betrayed- and especially shamed.

She couldn't help but wonder, 'Would I still be able to trust people again. . . After all that?'

"You'll be fine, Erza."

Instantly, her ears perked up and her eyes widened.

"I know you'll be fine."

She then stood up.

"You know a person's strengths and weaknesses very well. Go forward. Keep going forward, Erza, on the path of light."

Maybe it was her naivety again, but whatever it was, she didn't think twice about trusting his words. After all, his words were always the right ones. The ones she needed to hear.

When she turned around to look at him, all she was able to see was the back of his hood while he walked towards his comrades. She was going to call out for him but then she heard his voice again. Except it wasn't coming from his mouth, but rather his heart.

'Crime Sorciere walk on the path of darkness in order to defeat Zeref. But our paths may intersect at some point. And if that happens, I want you to shine so brightly that it obliterates us. Go forth, Erza.'

She heard him. She heard him loud and clear. And although she had every desire to tell him that she could pull him over to her path, the path of light, with just one step; she knew she couldn't. She understood his feelings and how he would rather walk the step rather than to be pulled.

She knew her role in his story. And it was to shine as brightly as he wished for when he's ready. And she will be there. To become his light.

'I then realised. . . I've stopped trembling.'

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