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Kinda inspired by a scene from Mean Girls

Rated T

Erza was quite irked when her seatmate kept tapping her shoulder while she was trying to concentrate on the teacher's lecture. But because her plan of ignoring the bothersome of a seatmate til they stopped failed, she gave up and whipped her head to face them.

"What?" she snapped with a scowl. But in a quick second, that scowl vanished from her face when she noticed his smile.

"Sorry to bother, but can you help me out with this question? It's kinda confusing to me." Most of the time she would have declined and responded with telling them to learn about these materials properly instead of depending on your damn seatmate. But his smile was so captivating that in an instant, her mouth said 'sure.'

She leaned over to his side and started to explain the question. Though every word she spouted was right, her mind wasn't concentrated on the scientific methods of calculating. It was rather replaying the scene of his smile over and over again. How could someone own such a beautiful smile, she wondered.

"Oh, I get it now!" He exclaimed but not loud enough for the teacher to hear. "Thanks for the help." And there it was again, the way his lips moved upwards that got her throat too dry to say anything.

"Anytime." She didn't know if he heard her because it came out almost as a whisper.

His eyes darted back to his book, but hers were locked onto him.

'He's. . . cute.' She blushed when her mind uttered such things. Or so she thought it was in her mind. She realised that her mouth, once again, voiced out without her consent.

"Miss Scarlet?" She heard the teacher call.

Ignoring how everyone was suddenly staring at her, she stood up from her seat. "Y-Yes!"

"Answer the question."

Oh, god.

She didn't hear the question.

"Um. . ." She looked around the big classroom, glancing at some of her friends that sat a bit far. She searched their faces for help, but it seemed that they didn't know the answer either.

Erza's eyes shot back to the teacher when he sighed loudly.

"Miss Scarlet, if you don't start focusing on what I'm trying to teach, I'm going to have to report you to the principal. But because I know you're a good student, I'm just giving you warning."

"Yes, Sir," Erza sat back down in shame, quickly making an effort to listen to the teacher.

"Sorry, but was it just me or did you actually say 'he's cute' when Sir asked the question?" Erza heard him ask in a low voice, while emphasising her words.

She turned her head to face the seatmate who distracted her earlier only to find his smile switched to a smirk.


Her lips were shaped into an 'O' but she made no sound. His smirk was even better than his smile it seemed. It was. . . hot.

As fuck.


"You know," his face leaned closer to hers. "You're pretty cute yourself." Judging from his sweet smile earlier, she never would have thought he was a flirt. A good and a handsome one at that. "If you're not too busy on Saturday, would you like for me to take you out?"

With her cheeks tinted pink, she almost stammered with her answer at the sudden question. "I-I would love that."

"I'll pick you up at 4." He winked.

Realising he had changed his smirk back to his gorgeous smile, she quickly brought up a smile of her own. That caused a chuckle to leave his lips before he went back to his work. With him sitting beside her everyday, she didn't think she would be able to concentrate on the teacher's lectures anymore.

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