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Inspired by a Nalu art by yumi_nerdy

Rated K

Boys grow up a little bit later than girls, and when they were seven, Jellal was an inch shorter than her.

"Hey, Scarlet?" Scarlet; a nickname he gave her when they first met. It originated from the colour of her hair. A beautiful shade in his eyes and many. "If I get to be this tall when we're older, will you marry me?" He put his hand two inches above her head, the highest he could let his hand go.

Erza giggled. She was aware about his crush on her, since he would always give her sweets and paper flowers during recesses, but she didn't like short boys. "I don't think you'll ever achieve that goal, Jellal." She placed both her hands on her hips with a smirk and an eyebrow raised.

"Eh? Of course I will! Just wait and see!" he promised. "I am capable!" He was building too much confidence, but it didn't matter. She just laughed and called him cute before they walked to class together.

The next day, Erza forgot about it, but Jellal hadn't. He kept pestering his mother to teach him the ways of growing taller every single day and listened to every advice she gave her. Even after elementary, high school-- even after they fell apart, he was determined to be taller than her, wherever she was.

And came that fateful day.

"Scarlet?" He called as soon as he saw her walking towards the opposite direction he was going to. Of course her hair was still glowing, as her dress flowed with the wind's rhythm. With her hair following the wind along, blocking her view, she had to tuck a strand behind her ear to see who called her.

Turning her head towards the voice, her eyes widened.

"Would you look at that," he snickered. "I'm taller than you now, aren't I?" He smirked, eyeing her heels. With her heels, she wasn't that far from reaching his height, but was still shorter and that only lifted his lips higher.

He noticed how her face became redder and redder as his steps took him closer and closer. Grinning like a fool, he leaned in his face and took her hand in his.

"When's the wedding?" With that whispered sentence, he kissed her knuckles, only to flush her more.

This was like an abandoned book idea from a long time ago, so knowing I wouldn't write it like ever, I just turned it into a drabble. Recycling 👍🏼👊

This was a bit messy tho, because it seemed better as a book but ya know

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