Déjà Vu

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If you havent read it, you most likely wouldn't get the reference of this chapter-

'Damn, that Brandish.'

Erza stormed her way all over to the nearest shops in hopes of finding Brandish and threatening the abomination into turning her back into her normal size. It didn't help that tonight was quite a chilly night and having only a towel on her was pretty uncomfortable.

She found it weird how no one has noticed her yet. But then again, no one looks at the ground. As long as no one stepped on her, she didn't care about it.

Erza sighed disappointingly when she couldn't find the green haired wizard. She swore that when she sees her, she will do something so despicable- something no one can imagine.

Although, she did remember that Mira said that they'll turn back eventually. In hopes that it won't take days, perhaps she should go back to her Inn.

"The moon sure is magnificent today." She looked up and smiled. It reminded her of what took place here the night before. She still couldn't get it out of her mind.

Shaking her head, she reminded herself that her priority at the moment was to get home.

When she darted her eyes back to the front of her, she almost gasped. It was truly a surprise. And quite horrifying considering the situation she was in. He just had to be here.

She should've known not to take the bridge.

But Erza couldn't help but stare as she walked closer to him. He looked so brilliant in the moonlight. He was glowing. It was rare to see him at such peace. He looked so relaxed.

'He deserves this.'

Not realising it- as she was distracted with being in awe of the man she loves- she had unexpectedly turned back to her normal size.

"E-Erza!" He took a step back.


She looked down and realised that her towel had fallen off. And also the fact that she was human size again.

Quickly, she crossed her arms over her chest and crossed her leg over the other.

"I'm sorry! This is not what it looks like! I swear!"

'That vegetable couldn't have chosen a better time to turn me back?!'

Jellal just watched her as he tried to process the whole situation. He was definitely experiencing some déjà vu. More importantly, did she just appear out of thin air? Naked? And in front of him?

Well, he wouldn't have known what he would've done if she had appeared in front of someone else- but after processing this, he instantly took off his coat and handed it to her with his eyes looking the other way.

Yep. Definitely déjà vu.

"Are you. . . drunk?" Considering this wasn't the first time, he had to ask. But she didn't look drunk. So he took it back. "Wait, no, you're not."

"I can explain, I swear." She couldn't look at him at all. All she could do was hold onto the coat tightly around her and look away.

"You don't need to." He smiled. "Let me walk you home."

She nodded her head at his offer with her cheeks irritatingly tinted pink.

Erza may be slightly wishing that she was as drunk as the last time it happened or she wouldn't be as worried as now about this very embarrassing situation.

Uh,, eh- it's kinda lame-

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