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Published two because I felt like it

The only thing he looked forward to everyday is to go home and take a nap after work. Even if he hadn't left for work yet, he always just looked forward to that part of the day.

After getting married, taking naps became more exciting to. Instead of resting his head on a pillow like he used to, he could rest his head on someone. And it wasn't just anyone. It was someone he held dearly in his heart.

Her lap always looked inviting when his eyes could barely open anymore. Not to mention how she always knew what time he would want to crash on her lap. She was always prepared with only shorts on. That way he could feel her smooth skin while he slept soundly.

But when her stomach started to grow bigger, the tables turned. Instead of him napping on her as usual, he became her napping pillow. He didn't mind of course. Being a pillow for her didn't mean he couldn't nap with her.

Times changed once more when their child grew up to be a toddler. He now comes home to find the lap of his wife occupied with another.

The first time it happened, his wife chuckled at him and offered him her shoulder instead. During rare times only does he get to use her lap. . . before their child interrupts.

I know my writing seemed messy in this one, lol. I'm sorry.

I didn't really mention any names here, so you can actually imagine whatever ship you want. I also didn't specify any gender for their kid since people like to imagine their firstborn differently

Thank you for reading!

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