Ghost Of You

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'So I drown it out, like I always do. Dancin' through our house, with the ghost of you.' - 5SOS

Rated T

Jellal sat there on his couch, staring at the ground, swirling the wine he had in his hand. One would drink beer rather than wine when they were swarmed with sorrow feelings, but Jellal preferred wine. They held a richer taste. Rich like the colour of her hair.

Her hair. Oh god, her hair. The smell of it, the texture between his fingers, the way they're sprawled on their bed when they-- he missed her so much. Letting the glass slip from his hand, it shattered everywhere with bits of it sneaking under the couch and coffee table. But he didn't care. He had nothing to care about.

As the left-over wine stained the floor, his tears stained the hands he used to bury his face in while he cried his eyes out to no one but himself. That was no shock. He had no one anymore after all.

"Erza," he whimpered her name. Her name. He remembered when it was just that. Until he offered her another name to complement the name she already owned. Scarlet. Erza Scarlet. Soon it was taken away to replace it with his. Erza Fernandez.

"Erza." He shouldn't have taken it away. Scarlet was perfect. So perfect. "Why did you leave?" he whispered with trembling lips. Lips. Oh, her lips. They were so soft and red just like her hair. So kissable.

He never failed to treasure every moment he had with her lips. He can remember so vividly the way she moved them against his. When she'd kiss his forehead to assure him he was safe. When she'd kiss his cheeks after she received a gift from him. When she'd leave love kisses on his neck during their alone time. And he missed every part of that.

"Come back." At that point, he didn't think his hands could carry the pool of tears he caused anymore, as they dripped from his fingers to the ground, merging with the spilled wine. "Please."

He wanted to open his eyes so bad, but he knew it would only hurt himself. Every object placed in that home has a memory. A memory connected to her. One look at one item, it would all come rushing back as if she was there.

If he tried hard enough, he could re-create those moments with his imagination, it'd be as if she was actually there. But that was so pathetic. So pathetic than he already was. The state he was in was so pathetic that no other action could beat it.

As if just on cue, his phone blared a song he could never have forgotten. Their song. A song they used to love singing together even if neither of them had harmonious voices. Because to him, her smile, her happiness was harmonious enough as they danced with one another.

Feeling interrupted, he decided to read the name of the contact who dared bother him. Who dared reminded him of her even more. But his phone didn't know who it was as it only said 'Unknown Number'. With a scowl, he slid to answer.

"Yes?" he snapped, almost letting out a cracked voice.



"I-Is this Jellal Fernandez?" he could hear her voice, high pitched than usual, as if she was shaking.

"Who's asking?" He didn't need to ask, he knew very well who it was, he could never forget. But to hear her voice, to listen to the sound of her name coming from someone else rather than himself.

"Erza. Erza Scarlet." Her last name almost stopped his heart. He didn't think she would keep any attachments from him after their divorce. Of course it wasn't Fernandez anymore, but she went back to Scarlet? Why?

"Erza. . ."

"I. . . I'm coming over." Her voice sounded strained, as if she was trying to hold back tears. Tears that she would soon let out when she has arrived. Jellal didn't know if it was just his pathetic self imagining this, but he yearned her touch so much. He was willing to wait, from the very start she left.

Honestly I don't exactly know what this is, so uh, I wrote a new one based on the song I was inspired by. Scroll down to read version 2!

Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading! Have a good day/evening!


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