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Extra Jerik brotp moment because I love them with all my heart

"Jellal, please--" she begged as she cried. He watched the tears streaming down her cheeks. He watched her shiver in fear at the corner of the dark room. He watched her suffer in his presence, all with a wicked smile.

He grabbed the nearest sharpest tool and continued to walk towards her while his hand rose up in an attempt to attack her. "D-don't!"

The last thing he heard before her skin shed blood was her scream. His ears adored the melody--

"NO!" Jellal woke up in cold sweat, causing slight back pain when he shot up. His breathing was unsteady while his eyes searched for her around the room. His heart started to beat faster when he couldn't spot her scarlet hair.

There she was.

His heart slowly went back to a normal pace with his eyes softening at the sight of her. His hand reached out to feel her skin, but he stopped himself an inch away.

What was he doing?

He promised her he wouldn't torture himself by his own hatred, but one can never stop the pain. One can never get rid of that negative little voice inside one's head. One can never stop hurting one's self. Especially when it came to him.

Jellal quickly got up and grabbed a coat, leaving the house for a stroll. He couldn't bear to stay in there knowing he was capable of hurting Erza again. No matter the number of times she has told him otherwise, he will always be aware of what big of a danger he was to her.

Sitting on a bench he found on the sidewalk, he released a sigh.

What was he doing?

Why would he ever think that he could ever live happily ever after without his painful thoughts? No matter how many times he atoned for his sins, it will never bring back enough light for his darkened heart. There will always be that tiny speck of evil tinting his heart.

Burying his face in his hands, he readied his hot tears. But they immediately disappeared when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking up, he found a friend.



One of the few that understood his pain. Pain of loving someone with a golden, pure, shining heart.

"Hey," he greeted back, taking the can of soda the man brought to him.

"Stupid thoughts came back to hunt you too, huh?" Erik scoffed as he took a seat beside him.

"Yeah." Jellal felt guilty because he was glad that Erik was under the same torture as he was. No one should ever suffer the way he did, yet it felt so relieving to know he wasn't alone.

"I thought we were past that, but I guess not," he said opening his can.

Jellal didn't think they would ever be. But he couldn't say that. Erik still had a bright future with way more hopes than he did. He couldn't ruin that for him.

"You know," Erik spoke up when Jellal stayed silent. "You're not facing the enemy inside of you alone. And neither are we. There are probably hundreds of people out there experiencing the same pain as we are."

Jellal was stunned to hear him say that. Erik was never one to speak such words, but he guessed that the man was also not that oblivious. Smiling, he finally opened his can too.

Their cans clashed creating a clinking sound. They didn't have to say what they were toasting to, the words spoke itself in the air. Grinning at one another, they chugged down their drinks.


When Jellal opened the door to his home, he didn't expect to be ambushed with an embrace.

"Where did you go! I was so worried." Erza had her face buried in his chest. Her arms wrapped around him securely as she waited for an answer.

But he didn't give one.

Instead, he smiled softly and rested his chin on her head. He returned the hug, as his fingers stroke her hair.

That's right. Why didn't he just do that in the first place? Hug her. That was all he needed. Her warmth against his cold fear to melt it. He was never a danger to her, only to himself. And she was all the protection he needed. He couldn't live without her. She was his light.

I came across an angsty Jerza short story and was inspired to write whatever this is. I notice that it seemed kinda rushed and not many details but whatever, I tried :/

I published two because one of them was actually due 22nd and it's already 24th here haha

EDIT: i lowkey hate this but uh-

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