1. Jessie

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I walked down the halls of Lakeview High all the while ignoring the glances from the students in the hall. It's not the first time I came to school with a black eye and it won't be the last either. Of course, as soon as my friends saw me, they had the look of rabid dogs. And okay that's probably a good way to describe them seeing as they were technically dogs since they were werewolves well four out of six were. And okay let me explain the whole werewolves thing. You see, my friends, are werewolves, yes the mythical creatures in stories told by your grandparents to scare you into behaving.

I didn't think they were real until I saw them turn into gigantic wolves two years ago when we were suddenly attacked by other huge as hell wolves with red eyes that I later learned are called rogues. Rogues are wolves who have either been exiled from their packs or lost their mates. I know, I know it's a lot to take in so soon but you'll eventually get with the program, as my brother says.

Anyway, as soon as I reached my little group of friends they all had a look of murder in their eyes.

"Drunk again, I see," Gavin said, he and another friend Andrea, are the only other humans aside from myself in our group. He was raised by a werewolf couple when he was two years old after being found in the woods, but that story is for another day or when he decides to tell it.

"When is she ever not drunk?" I asked opening my locker and taking out the books I didn't need for the first half of the school out of my backpack and putting them inside before shitting it when the bell rang signaling that we needed to get to class.

"You need to leave that house, Jesse," Andrea said as we walked down the hall towards our first class, and thank god they were all in it with me, or else I'd be bored the entire time, no offense to Mr. Larson.

"And go where?" I asked making Bella, who's one of the werewolves in our group, look at me as if I had grown a second head, and maybe I did, who freaking knows.

"The packed house, where else?" She asked with a perfectly raised brow but I didn't reply because at that moment we walked into Me. Larson's math class.

"Morning Mr. Larson," we all greeted the teacher who waved at us from his desk pushing his residing glasses up his nose and we walked to our seats, which were at the very back.

"I don't want to burden your folks with my problems," I whispered to Bella over Kayden.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you wouldn't be a burden to them? They have even asked about you and your siblings. They're just as worried about you guys as we are." She said also leaning over Kayden.

"Besides, Jessie, if you continue to live at that house, you're going to get yourself or one of your siblings killed, that woman is no mother," Kayden said when Bella sat in her seat.

I bit the inside of my cheek glad that the class wasn't full yet and that the few kids that were in, sat at the very front far away from listening.

"She's my mother, and I have to help her with her problem," I replied

"It's not your job to help her, Jessie. It's hers. And I know for sure that she doesn't want or needs help because if she did, she would've gone and gotten it a long time ago but she hasn't," Maximus, Kayden's twin, said from beside me making the others nod their heads in agreement.

"Just come stay at the house with us, Jessie," Gavin said

"If not, you can come to stay at mine," Andrea suggested

"Or ours," Kayden said pointing at himself and Maximus

"But please just get away from that house and take your siblings," Bella said

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