10. Princeton

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"Stop, please, stop," a whimper reached my ears waking me from my sleep and looked down to see Jessie frowning and tears rolling down his face as he kept repeating those three words over and over again, "Please, Emmanuel, stop,"

I furrowed my brows at hearing that name. Who was this Emmanuel person? "STOP!" He sat up and looked around the hospital room with tear-stained cheeks and chest rising and falling.

"Jessie?" I called his name making him jump before turning his head in my direction, eyes wild and filled with fear, "Jessie?"

"Pr-Princeton?" He asked and I nodded and he took a deep breath as he began to calm down.

I waited until he was fully calm before I spoke since that dream he was having didn't sound like it was a very pleasant one.

"I," he paused, "I'm sorry if I woke you," he said but I shook my head, he rubbed his face then ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"Are you okay, Jessie?" I asked and he just looked down at his fingers where he fiddled with the bedsheets, "You don't have to answer, but who is Emmanuel?" I watched as he tensed at the name so I reminded him that he didn't need to answer.

"He was an ex," he replied and I nodded since there was no need for me to be upset with him for having an ex since I had one as well before I found him. He chewed on his bottom lip before taking a deep breath and I was surprised that he decided to tell me who he was and what had caused him to have such nightmares as the one he had before waking up.

"I was 16 when we first met. He was older than me at 19. I-I" he broke off and I squeezed his shoulder and kissed his head letting him know that I was here and that I wasn't going anywhere.

"I thought he loved me. He made it seem that he did but after a couple of months of dating he forced himself on me." He started again and I stiffened, Gunnolf stood at attention as we heard our mate tell us his story and I couldn't wait to find the bastard that hurt my mate to the point of him breaking down and having trust issues.

"I haven't seen or spoken to him since the incident," he murmured and I stood up and walked over to him, as he had gotten up and was standing at the floor-to-ceiling window staring out into the yard that led back to the house, and pulled him against my chest making him stiffen in my arms before relaxing and leaned back as he rested his head on my shoulder. I kissed his temple before turning him around so he was facing me and cupped his face in my hands.

"I know it was hard for you to tell me this but thank you. I want you to know that you can trust me with anything as I can trust you with anything." I said and he searched my eyes for a lie but he won't find any and he nodded.

"Thank you for not leaving me," he murmured and I furrowed my brows before shaking my head.

"I'm not going anywhere, Jessie. Your burdens are mine. So breathe, just breathe, take the weight of the world and put them on me," I whispered kissing the top of his head as I held him in my arms again and he rested his forehead against my chest.


"Big brother!" I didn't have time to prepare myself for the assault of my siblings the second I stepped into the house after being discharged from the infirmary. I lost my balance and toppled to the floor with Cassie and Lucian falling on top of a puppy pile. I looked up when a shadow fell over us and saw Mama looking down with a raised brow as he held Julianna -who giggled at the sight before her— and I grinned making him roll his eyes as he lightly pulled my younger siblings off of me so I could sit up.

"You three need to be careful," he said making them pout, "just because he's a werewolf doesn't mean he still isn't healing, you know better."

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