47. Jessie

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I took a deep breath as I paced the room. My heart was in my throat as the minutes ticked by. Today was the day that I was marrying the love of my life and I was a nervous wreck to say the least. Princeton had gone to stay at his parents house the night before because according to Luca, it was bad luck to see the 'bride' before the wedding. Princeton had rolled his eyes but begrudgingly left our home and headed to his parents. The kids had been asking for him since last night when he put them down for bed and bid them a goodnight with a kiss to the forehead and a pat on the shoulder.

Though I was thrilled to be marrying Princeton, I was also upset because I had always pictured myself walking arm in arm with my father as he gave me away. I've had dreams of him walking up the long dirt driveway of the pack house telling me that he was proud of me and that he was sorry for making me believe he was dead but then I'd wake up and he wouldn't be there to greet me in the morning.

Shaking my head, I closed my eyes and place shh hand on my chest.

How I wish you were here dad I thought before opening my eyes in time to see the door to my room open and Jericho's head poke in before he smiled.

"Ready?" He asked pushing the door open and I nodded with a smile. Taking a deep breath, I walked towards him and hooked my arm with his as he would be the one to walk me down the isle to Princeton.

Luca and Caleb had already left to the clearing where we would be having the ceremony with the kids.

"You look beautiful by the way," Jericho said with a smile as we walked through the double doors to the pack house and towards the woods. There was long trial of white rose petals lining the walkway towards the clearing. And as we got closer, I could hear the soft melody of Tale as Old as Time the instrumental version. It had been Jenna's idea to play that song for when I walked down the isle.

"You look handsome," I replied and he grinned. The closer we got, the more I felt my wolf pace in my head knowing that in just mere seconds we would be standing in front of our mate. I could see a few of the pack in their wolf fonts surrounding the clearing while others were standing and facing our way as we neared, but my eyes locked on to the man at the end of the long walkway. He was devastatingly beautiful in his three life black tux with his hair perfectly styles on his head. He smiled as we neared and I saw him reach up and wipe at his eye making my heart swell. I could feel my own eyes sting with tears. I didn't pay much attention to anything other than my husband-to-be.

"Who gives this groom away?" Bennett asked as he was the one who was going to perform the ceremony.

"My siblings and I do," Jericho replied as he smiled letting my hand go only for it to be replaced by Princeton's callouses ones and I smiled not really listening to what Bennett was saying as my main focus was on Princeton and him alone. But I did blink when Bennett said that we could read our vows.

"Jessie would like to read your vows first?" Benny asked and I nodded and took the folded paper from my packet.

"Princeton, I promise to love you for who you are, and for who you are yet to become. I promise to be patient and to remember that all things between us are rooted in love. I promise to nurture your dreams and help you reach them. I promise to share my whole heart with you and to remember to show you how deeply I care for you, no matter the challenges that may come our way. I promise to love you loyally and fiercely." I said and looked up at him with teary eyes and he smiled blinking his eyes, "I promise to love you above all others and to value you in my life as a precious gift. I look forward to raising our family and building our relationship under the care and guidance of Goddess. I promise to stand beside you as your husband and friend in sickness or health, in times of prosperity and decline, in peace and in turmoil, as long as we both shall live. I love you for always,"

I could hear our friends sniffling from the crowd and smiled before turning to Bennett who dabbed at his eyes and smiled before he turned to his grandson, "you may read your vows, Princeton."

And so he did, he pulled a folded paper from his pocket and unfolded it before taking a deep breath, "Do you remember the very first day that we met? I knew the very first moment I saw you. I knew we were meant to be together for all of our days. You have become my lover, my companion, and my best friend. There's no one else I'd want to build a life with. I get to have you by my side, my love and my wife, for eternity." I bit my lip as tears welled in my eyes as I remember the day we crossed paths again in the café when we bumped into each other and I had spilt my coffee on myself and he had offered to buy me a new one despite my protests. "The sun smiles on us today, our wedding day, and how can it not. With our hearts beating together as one, our love warms the world. I love you with all my heart. You're my love, light, and soulmate. You're the person that keeps me singing, smiling, and laughing." I blinked and he reached up to wipe a tear that rolled down my cheek, "In the presence of friends, family, and our Goddess , I take you to be my husband. I promise to be a faithful, devoted, and loving husband for all the days of our lives. I love you, forever."

Bennett spoke again after that but I paid him no mind yet again as all I could do was smile and stare at my husband and he did the same.

"So with the power bestowed upon me, I here by present  to you Mr.and Mr. Princeton SaintClair." Bennetts voice brought me back to earth as howls and cheers erupted around us, "you may kiss." I grinned as Princeton pulled me into his arms, cupped my face and pressed his lips to mine.


The reception area was packed to the brim with pack members and friends. Princeton and I walked around greeting everyone that joined us today and thanked them before moving on to the rest. Even though I was happy, I could help but feel as if something was about to happen. What? I had no idea but Nikias kept pacing in my head growling.

>what's wrong Nikias?< I asked him as I plastered a smile as one of Princeton's friends from Texas walked up to us to congratulate us on our marriage.

>what's wrong Jessie?< Princeton asked as he placed a hand on my back, his smile not dropping despite his worry. I gave a subtle head shake as I didn't understand what had Nikias on guard. Once away from prying ears, Princeton looked down at me with a raised brow and I sighed pressing my forehead on his chest which had him wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"Talk to me, baby," he murmured and I sighed.

"Nikias is acting strange. He won't tell me what's wrong," I murmured as I tried to get my wolf to talk to me but he won't say anything as he continued to growl lowly in my head. Princeton rubbed soothing circles on my back and I only buried my face in his chest as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

>Nikias, please talk to me< I begged and he huffed but kept pacing in my head.

>there's a car coming up the road. can't tell if they're hunters or not< his words had me tensing in Princeton's arms which had him looking down at me with worry. How did I not notice that? I should have been paying attention to my surroundings since I was more in tuned with my surroundings due to my powers.

"GET TO THE SAFE ROOM NOW! HUNTERS ARE COMING!" Alaska's shouts reached us a moment later and we bolted towards the reception room to see pack members and acquaintances ran in the direction of the safe room. I scanned the area but didn't see the kids anywhere and began to panic.

>I have the kids, we're in the safe room< Benny's voice echoed in my head making me sigh in relief just as howls and gun fire echoed outside the tent.

I didn't know what I was expecting but seeing the man I thought was dead for 15 years was not it.

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