16. Princeton

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"What?" Jessie asked with wide eyes and I smiled.

"Marry me, "I repeated and he shook his head making me frown.

"You're insane," he said and I raised a brow, "what happened with going on a date? And asking to be your boyfriend?"

"We've already gone on a date," I said and he nodded, "and well you did say that you'd marry me if I asked." he rolled his eyes.

"I didn't think you'd propose," he replied making me smile.

"But you would say yes if I asked?" I questioned and he nodded cupping my face and giving me a warm smile.

"I would always say yes to you, Princeton. But getting married when we just started getting to know each other is not something I want to think about right now," he replied and I nodded because he did have a point. Even though we knew each other, we didn't know each other enough to make such a big commitment even if we are mates.

I mean my parents didn't get married after two years and though they had broken up before due to reasons I rather not talk about, they did eventually get together and got married shortly after.

"If you won't marry me then would you do me the grandest of honors by being my boyfriend?" I asked and Jessie chuckled but nodded with a wide smile that I returned before leaning forward and pressing my lips to his. I could hear loud whistling and cheer in the distance and I rolled my eyes while Jessie only laughed and god did I love the way he laughed. His head was thrown back and the sound was just melodic and beautiful. He was beautiful.

>Way to go Beta< The pack cheered in my head making me shake my head.

>Yes, brother, way to go< Bella said and I could practically picture her smiling with that smile of hers she only ever uses when she's teasing you or being a pain in the backside. I shook my head and looked back at Jessie who was smiling.

"The pack is incredibly loud." He stated though his smile never left his lips and I nodded.

"They are," I agreed and heard them whine in my head but I ignored them and said, "Come on, Bella is wondering when you'll get home so you can get started on your project."

>Never said that!< Bella growled but I, like before, ignored her.

"Oh shoot, I forgot about that, thank you for reminding me," Jessie said with wide eyes and I chuckled and led him back to the bike before making the rest of our trip to the pack house though this time I didn't speed and took my time getting there.

"Thank you for bringing me to the creek," Jessie whispered behind me and I held his hand that was on my waist.

"Thank you for allowing me to bring you home," I said making him hum, "and for saying yes to being my boyfriend."

"You're welcome," he replied cheekily making me laugh, "but, thank you for not rushing me."

"I'd never rush you, Jessie, I'm willing to wait for you for as long as you want." I said once we were parked a few feet away from Mama and Papa's house since that's where he and his siblings were currently living, "I know many of the pack have already mated with their mates and though that's normal for an average wolf, I'm not going to rush you nor force you to do something you're not ready for. I'm not him, okay?" He nodded and I cupped his cheek and leaned down to kiss him on the lips, "Take all the time you need, Jessie. I'll be here waiting for you for as long as it takes."


>Women. children and the elderly need to go to the safe room, now!< Alaska's voice filtered through the pack link making me jump out of Jessie's bed where we had been laying watching reruns of The Good Doctor and Jessie looked up startled at the sudden move >Rogues have crossed the border<

"What's wrong?" He asked as he watched me get out of bed and put on my shoes.

"Rogues. Come on let's get your siblings." I said and he widened his eyes before jumping out of the bed and putting his shoes on before following after me as I went down the hall towards Jenna and Jericho's rooms while Jessie went to get Josh and Julianna from theirs.

"What's going on?" Jericho asked as he held Jenna's hand and followed me towards the stairs where Jessie was already heading down. Josh held his arms up for me to pick him up and I did and carried him down the stairs towards the safe room. Papa was standing at the door waiting for more people to arrive. I set Josh down and he pouted looking up at me with wide eyes but I gave him a reassuring smile as I pressed a kiss to his forehead before standing and looking at Jessie.

"I'll be back as soon as I can I promise, okay?" I said looking at him and at his siblings who watched with wide eyes as the sound of growls neared, "Now go inside."

"Please be careful Princeton," Jessie murmured as he gripped my shirt in his empty hand and I nodded leaning down and placing a kiss on his lips before kissing Julianna's forehead, patting Jericho on the shoulder, and kissing Jenna's forehead as well.

Once they were securely inside with Papa keeping guard in case rouges got through, I rushed upstairs and shifted midair, and tackled a rogue that was advancing on Bella as she fought off another. My jaws clamped on its neck and I shook my head before dropping the mutt to the ground after the sound of its neck breaking filled my ears.

Growls and snarls were all you could hear in the yard as the pack and rogues fought. Blood and dirt flew everywhere and it didn't help that it started snowing making the grass slippery. I felt a jaw clamp on my leg and I snarled turning around to catch the asshole in my jaws before tossing him into the air and across the yard where it landed against a tree and fell unconscious, its eyes unseeing.

I looked around and saw that the pack was nearly finished with the rogues. The triplets had each other's backs as they let out a howl of victory when the yard was filled with the dead. I wanted to howl in victory with the pack but I suddenly felt my body beginning to waver and my vision started clouding I could hear in the distance Alaska's voice calling my name but it was as if I was floating.

"Princeton! Princeton come on dude stay with me," a voice kept saying as they held my naked and injured body in their arms, the cold wind cooling my skin down and making the blood and dirt stick to my skin.

"He's losing too much blood," another one said as I felt my body being lifted and carried away and that was the last thing I remember before everything went black.

a/n so here's new update guys please let me know what you think of the chapter and also don't forget to leave a vote/fan.

as always stay safe and thank you for your continued support 💕



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