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"Ready to start training again?" Apollo asked after two weeks of me and Jessie being away.

"Yeah," we replied and he nodded then Jessie added, "I've decided to only train for two hours each day." Apollo nodded not minding my mate not being present for the rest of training.

"And you?" He asked looking at me and I sighed.

"I'll be here half of it," I replied and he raised a brow before shrugging and leading us to the training compound where the others were already waiting for us.

"How are the kiddos?" Alaska asked when she saw Jessie and I with Apollo.

"Good. Have you guys come up with a plan on how we're going to get my nephews?" I asked the siblings. Ever since my parents had 'adopted' Jaime, Julia, and Jax, I have begun seeing them as my siblings and their sons as my nephews. Alexa—who only uses her middle name when in the same vicinity as Grandpa Benny's friend Alexa—walked over to join us along with Zabdiel. They greeted us with smiles before turning to Alaska and Apollo.

"We're ready whenever you two are," Zab said and they nodded before turning to us, "are you joining us today?"

"Yeah, we had agreed to only train for a few hours though," I said and they nodded, "shall we then?"

We walked to the middle of the yard and shifted into my wolf form along with the triplets while Zabdiel and Jessie remained in their human forms.

>Lucius and Argus are making their way over< Jessie said through our mate link and I looked towards the warlocks as they made their way towards us.

> Take it easy, okay?< I asked and he nodded with a smile.

"Hello, Lucius and Argus," Jessie greeted the men who bowed their heads in greeting and respect before they turned to me and did the same. I nodded my head before turning towards the triplets and Zabdiel as they joined the rest of the pack.

"I hope that during your break from trialing you were studying," I rolled my eyes at Argus.

"Taking a break means zero studying and training, Argus," Jessie replied, "so no, I didn't study while I was spending my time with my children and mate."

"How—" I didn't hear the ear of the conversation as they walked away while I refocused my attention on training.

> You never answered my question< I said to them as the triplets and I circled each other with Zabdiel watching on the sidelines.

>Mama and Papa went to scout the pack with Grandpa Xavier and Grandma Elizabeth< Alaska replied I titled my head and she only growled before launching herself at me but I sidestepped her before dodging Alexa's attack and biting Apollo's front paw when he jumped at me. He growled and went to bite me but I smirked and jumped over him and kicked him causing him to fly backward and slam into Alexa who growled and pushed him off.

That's how training went, me doffing all three whole Jessie was one the other end of the ages with the warlocks learning how to manifest a strong shield large enough to protect the pack from the enemy.

> When will the attack happen?< I asked dodging their attacks and they were growing tired and pissed from not being able to get a hit on me. They never were able to get one bite or hit even while growing up. I always had them whining and giving up whenever Bo and Grandpa would train us growing up.

>When Mama and Papa give the signal< Apollo said and I nodded before kicking him and he growled biting my tail and I rolled my eyes while shifting. "What are you, 3?" I asked.

My Mate.....The Human (new version)Where stories live. Discover now